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For the love of Azeroth - NERF WARLOCKSFollow

#327 Jan 03 2007 at 8:55 AM Rating: Decent
Shamibell wrote:
Yes, things have changed about them, but nowhere near as drastic as the perception has.

All it takes is one or two guys to get massacred by a really skilled player and suddenly it's the class that's the problem. It's a win-win situation. You lose to a lock, it's cause they're overpowered. You win to a lock, you look all the better for it.

It sure works out pretty conveniently...

Quoted for reiteration. People skipping over good posts to break down weak arguments by lvl 30 Warlock players.

Small FYI because it's needed: Siphon Life is a talent-acquired spell. Immolate is a nuke with a DoT component and has a cast time. Unstable Affliction is talent-acquired and has a cast time. Seduce and Fear share diminishing returns: 12 seconds, 6 seconds, immune, both require v. short range (for Seduce both demon and Warlock) and a cast time. Instant Howl of Terror is standard issue for Warriors, not for Warlocks, talented again.
Talent points are being handed out in this thread like candy was a week ago.

Let's please remember that the face of PVP is about to change once again, drastically, come the Burning Crusade. Might not be a good time to review a class.

Edit: Mixed spells up, thanks!

Edited, Jan 3rd 2007 12:27pm by Shmii
#328 Jan 03 2007 at 9:17 AM Rating: Good
Lastly, I was shocked to find out that warlock dots are not unique. That's what "only one sting can be active at a time" written on all my tool tips does to me. And the damage done screen shots posted previously kind of prove the devastating effect. This can only really be mended with placing limits on the amount of dotted targets or severely reducing their damage output

Why would they be unique? That doesn't make any sense.
Corruption is a Dot Spell in the Affliction line, whereas Immolation is a DoT spell in the Destruction line. Soul Siphon and Unstable Affliction are 30 and 41 point talents spells in the Affliction, respectively. They're all different spells. Your stings and traps are more akin to a warlock's Curses, of which there can be only one per target. The other spells are listed are just normal spells, similar to your shots and strikes. Amazingly enough, you can just dispel the DoT. UA will hurt you if you dispel it, but that's why you have potions and cure spells.
#329 Jan 03 2007 at 9:22 AM Rating: Good
Life Tap is a talent-acquired spell

Life Tap is a normal spell in the Affliction line that has a talent associated with it, Improved Life Tap. I think you're referring to Siphon Life.
#330 Jan 03 2007 at 10:01 AM Rating: Decent
uhmm well if you think locks are OPed then what about dirty rouges stunning you to death and not even being able to move? now tell me that is not bulls%%t. i understand that each class has its strong points and weak points, heck silence a caster and hes done, but them damn rouge can kill you just as easy and i think faster. I ride my mount get rouge stunned and dont even drop off mount i die there and there is nothing i can do about it , sure u can use a trinket to help ya for about 5seconds but what then?? locks play thier class the way they should and yes even thoug i hate rogues with a passion for thier stunning they are playing the way they should. i am not well geared but can handle my druid well enough in a BG.
before saying a class needs to be nerfed think about how they are made to be played. i do agree that spell effects should poof if they die, but hey learn to live with it and avoid them lol
#331 Jan 03 2007 at 11:33 AM Rating: Decent
When the .. dies all the magical effects should go away.


This way I can kill the dwarf priest to dispell the whole team's fearward and fortitude and shadow resist buff if they put it on!

Oh, you mean just warlocks and just their dots?

... I would only let this go if it included friendly buffs. (which would make it fair.)
#332 Jan 03 2007 at 12:48 PM Rating: Decent
Shadowstray wrote:

Saying warlocks were useless in raids is just just wrong and stupid. If anything, as a less popular class (same as druids), an average lock had (and has) a better chance of getting into a good PvE guild and get better gear.

Yes, it is wrong and stupid. Not only is having one Warlock required for Healthstones and Soulstones, if you properly gear a Warlock in non-tier gear, it can out DPS any class. The Warlock's greatest power lies in patience. Once you've assembled a real set of power for warlocks, their DoT's, pet, and bolting skills combined makes them the best contributors in damage... discluding when Blizzard AoE and Arcane 'Splosions are needed. (I argue that raids should use 'Locks in these situations with Hellfire, but not many have the balls)

I can see a Warlock easily stepping beyond his tier-gear's station and becoming the most powerful damager in the game. However, these things come with a price; Stamina. Many Warlocks would **** themselves if they lost 200 STA for, like, +400 more spell damage and +6 crit...

Why? Because alot of Warlocks have no skill. They need to be ensured that they will survive melee encounters, because they don't know how to avoid one. They use excuses like, "No, it's for Life Tap, it's for Life Tap!!!"

I call ****************** You get enough INT from damage gear to topple the +15% conversion of health and mana, plus you don't waste your time using a global cooldown. So now you know why Warlocks like Fel Guard; they don't know how to survive, so they get more "survival" crap. Voidwalker was too temporary, and temporary doesn't = survival. But Fel Guard is a defensive god. It's an excuse for all the powerful Warlocks to switch to Soul Link.

Pussies... I agree that Warlocks chose to nerf themselves. If you choose Soul Link spec, you're not playing like a DD badass should.

#333 Jan 03 2007 at 12:57 PM Rating: Good
Destruction is unfortunatly maybe the most gear-dependant Warlock talent tree.
#334 Jan 03 2007 at 2:17 PM Rating: Decent

It is truly the most gear dependant, mainly either you kill quick or you're dead quick.

Also, I don't think most you people have thought thoroughly what cutting off DoT's at death would be like in general game terms (after all, all you care for is for trashing the lock and surviving afterwards anyways so no big surprise)
#335 Jan 03 2007 at 2:27 PM Rating: Decent

It is truly the most gear dependant, mainly either you kill quick or you're dead quick.

Also, I don't think most you people have thought thoroughly what cutting off DoT's at death would be like in general game terms (after all, all you care for is for trashing the lock and surviving afterwards anyways so no big surprise)

Prior to 2.0, all Warlock DoT's save Siphon Life expired on the Warlocks death.

Try again?
#336 Jan 03 2007 at 2:39 PM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
Want to bet? Cloak of Shadows is being changed. The new 41 point subtlety talent is Shadowstep, which will let the rogue from a very nice distance away from you, stealthed, suddenly teleport directly behind you to commence the stunlock. As for Cloak of Shadows, it's a level 66 trained skill.

dont forget that CloS is not going to be prep-able after that change either. so yes, every rogue has it, but theres no longer any chance of rogues making themselves immune to all magic for 10 seconds + stuns.

honoestly, rogues will have it pretty well after that. theyll finally be the cloth killers i think they were intended to be. it only takes 65 levels of getting boned by casters more often than not before they finally come into their own.

Instant Howl of Terror is standard issue for Warriors, not for Warlocks, talented again.

warlock howl of terror, even untalented, is vastly superior to intimidating shout. intimidating shout has a cooldown thats 4 times as long as howl of terror, takes 1/4 of the warriors total power to use (25 rage...imagine if howl of terror took 25% of max mana) and intimidating shout needs a target in order to work. said target also isnt "feared" per se; they are "cowed", and do not move. however, any damage (and i mean ANY) breaks the primary fear, which works counter to one warrior ability and two warrior talents; rend, deep wounds, and blood frenzy.
#337 Jan 03 2007 at 3:38 PM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
Out of pure curiosity, as this thread was bumped to the top anyway...

What was the reasoning behind extending Warlock DoTs past death anyway? Were they dying too much in raids or something?

Maybe it is just a glitch? :/

Just curious.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#338 Jan 03 2007 at 5:39 PM Rating: Decent
728 posts
What was the reasoning behind extending Warlock DoTs past death anyway? Were they dying too much in raids or something?

Maybe it is just a glitch?

Consistency. Curses are debuffs. All other buffs and debuffs survive the caster, since they're cast-and-forget. The warlock curses were bugged and only recently fixed.

They were miscoded as channeled spells. Before, if you had a curse on you and the warlock died or if you got away from him, the damage would stop - but it would restart as soon as the warlock rezzed or got closer.

Warlocks cast DoTs. That's what they do. If you wanted to do that, you would have become a warlock.
#339 Jan 03 2007 at 6:37 PM Rating: Decent
im gona skip reading throght 7pages of rant and just say
from my point of view warlocks are in no way OVERPOWERED and just say people NEGLEC thier class rolls notic how just about every class that can dispell a dot can do a lil healing if not then alot so why are u geting half ur raid pwned by warlocks its not there over powered its the pally/shamen/priest or w/e im not sure what class dispells dots but anyways its the part where stubborn people just go for the hk insted of group playing which battlegrounds should be about....class roles by anymeans sure play the game and have fun but dont quit the game when u get pwned by the lock cus those dots just ate u alive with a pally around u that just cast some random pally move insted of dispel and you died of it kinda like shadow word pain will save more people then a heal or sumthing of the sort
#340 Jan 03 2007 at 7:05 PM Rating: Default
1,188 posts
Ya know, I should just try and ignore this thread, but it's becoming clear that it won't die, so I will give one more argument to attempt to make this thread die. EVERY class has something that makes it "broken", EVERY SINGLE ONE. Some require specific talent builds, but if you are going to complain about a broken class, complain about all of them, specially since most of the "class x is broken" threads seem to assume that each class has ALL the talents somehow.
In order as listed on alla under classes

Druid - The have nearly the same power level in each of their forms as the normal class, can shift between them at will instantly, and even breaks snares and polymorph when they do?!?!?! OMG BROKEN!

Hunter - They do massive crits, have a strong pet, and they never have to get within arms reach of you?!?!?! ZOMG BROKEN!

Mage - They can do massive crits to a large area and snare a large group of people instantly, making them sitting ducks?!?!?! ZOMG BROKEN!

Paladin - They have an ability to prevent all damage of any kind to themselves while they heal back up to full and buff themselves to all hell at their leisure?!?!?! ZOMG BROKEN!

Priest - They can heal the whole enemy party while fearing people, causing massive shadow dmg, AND regaining health + mana by doing so?!?!?! ZOMG BROKEN!

Rogue - Stunlock, need I say more?!?!?! ZOMG BROKEN!

Shaman - Massive windfury crits (yes, I actually hear the like 5% chance of that massive crit as a call on both the oboards and here as a reason to nerf shamans)?!?!?! ZOMG BROKEN!

Warlock - I'll actually skip this one, as we have 7 pages on it now.

Warrior - They get the defense of plate, AND can do powerful dps?!?!?! ZOMG broken! (though I'd say warrior is the most "balanced" of all the classes)

This is how every single nerf thread I have ever seen sounds to me, and yes I have seen nerf threads using every single one of these arguments. If you think a class is broken, admit they are ALL broken and demand a GLOBAL nerf! Oh wait, that'd affect your class too? And you suddenly don't like that idea? Than STOP THE FREAKING NERF THREADS and let them die in the flames of the spam abyss! Now, I am going to stop posting in this thread and start praying it dies.
#341 Jan 03 2007 at 11:48 PM Rating: Good
717 posts
Warrior - They get the defense of plate, AND can do powerful dps?!?!?! ZOMG broken! (though I'd say warrior is the most "balanced" of all the classes)

The problem is, I have to get close to do powerful DPS.

Number of reliable ways I have to close in: one which is on a cooldown that seems to take forever

Number of reliable ways for ranged classes to get out of melee: lots and lots

I wouldn't even mind the limitation of intercept if wasn't for that nonsense about "Charge but wind up WAY out of position to land a hamstring."
#342 Jan 04 2007 at 12:39 AM Rating: Default
umm im a little late to join in this rant-thread funn but.. there is a usermade movie about this... its about ignorant rogues complaining about how warlocks need to be nerfed and they are way overpowered... go to and search "world of roguecraft". and if ur a rogue who would totally hate the fact that they were beaten by the fact that warlocks are evenly set and rogues are overpowered, dont be a *****.. watch the whole damn thing... (there are 3 episodes, many many many many many tests in each one, and each is around 30-45 mins long) now im not suggesting watch all 3 (like my dumb ***) but at least watch most of one. find the right parts and i guarentee it will change your mind... locks amount of +STA is so rogues, hunters, and all other massive dps'ers cant kill them in 3 hits. even tho a rogue could easily anyways.
in the videos include a fun test of how a naked (if u dont know wut it means, it means with no armor but maybe a shirt and the starting rogue weopen, which is a worn dagger with .9 dps) 60 rogue takes down a rank 1 fully equipped 60 warrior with hardly any difficulty at all...
the whole serious will show you that its not warlocks that are overpowered, and its mainly ignorant rogues who only THINK that locks are overpowered becuase they dont actually know how to play there class... and also how rogues can literally kik anyones *** with just 2 buttons and attack.
hope you watch them and hope you stop rantin bout locks that need nerfs... cuz they truely dont... if anything the rogue should get a little nerf themselves.
#343 Jan 04 2007 at 1:24 AM Rating: Decent
I'm gonna put in my view of Warlock nerfs that need to be done, it probably isn't very accurate seeing as I've been only playing WoW for a weekish now, and that my locky is only level 23 but.

- Yes, our stamina is too high
- For the Demonic Embrace talent, remove intellect instead of Spirt, because we have drinks, MP regen doesn't seem so important, but removing max MP and Magic crit would work out to be more fair.
- Increse the MP useage on our DoTs please! Seriously it takes me a while for my MP to run out, then if I wanted too, I could just pop a mana potion.
- Reduce chance of fear working please, I can fear level 29s which in my view is messed up.

#344 Jan 04 2007 at 1:42 AM Rating: Decent
ok say they do all those nerfs... when u get higher lvls and are pvping or pveing against not just 1-2 people... higher lvls the mana cost goes way up and ur total mana doesnt go up AS fast as the cost... so at a higher lvl your DoT's will seem to take more % of your mana. and if ur nerf comes true it will be even worse... way to +STA??? hahaha... if they lowered locks stamina rogues would murder them in about 4 seconds rather than 5... finally, if they lowered the chance of fear working, you would be extremely pissed later in the game when you hafta fight things and u are about to die... chances are your only hope may be running away which is what fear is good for... if it didnt work as much as it did (and it doesnt work allll that often anyways) you would be dieing against brutal ganks like never b4. besides which the lvl of which u can fear is preset (sorta like Mindcontrol with priests) with lvl. trust me those nerfs would come back and bite you in the *** later in the game.
#345 Jan 04 2007 at 2:17 AM Rating: Decent
Hi guys, just popping in to say that warlocks actually got a microscopic nerf in the 2.0 patch...
At 60, level 52 mobs are green, lower are grey, used to be 48+ is green. So now warlocks will have to go to other areas to farm their soulshards.

Carry on.
#346 Jan 04 2007 at 3:05 AM Rating: Decent

Well I think that if warlock's DoT's were extended in duration to after the death of the caster it was due to something, other than pissing off Rpzip I mean.

The funny thing is now they add Dps in raids even for a short time after their own deaths, which can never be a bad thing (damage that doesn't create aggro? raid leaders sign under the dotted line please).
Also and more importantly I think it makes affliction warlocks powerful in Pvp, else everytime they got outnumbered and jumped maybe they would do something like 200-300 damage before dying, they didn't stand a chance to do nothing. Now imp HoT helps with that, and DoT's lasting through death make it worthy for the warlock to be affliction on the battleground as well as making warlock zerging not the wonderfulest idea in the world (who wouldn't zerg the warlock in 2 secs after getting DoT'd if him dying would dispell the DoT ?).
As people have said, those 41 talents have to show somehow, if you got zerg-killed every single time you tried to drop DoT's you'd be absolutely worthless, now even if you die, you'll cause some damage.

And I think it makes sense in game terms, why should warlocks DoT's disappear on death ? then shouldn't SW:P disappear on death too ? then I guess Roots should disappear on the casting druid's death too, it would be only fair. Ah, but then maybe it would make sense to make all impairing effects, chill, freeze, stun, fear, daze... all dissapear on the casters death ? don't you think ?
In fact, why don't we go on and make all buffs and debuffs be removed on death of the caster change big parts of the game mechanics and put buff casters in a metal safe so we can rely on buffs !!!
Wait I forgot, this is a warlock nerf thread and it's about making warlocks an easy kill, sorry for wandering off...

So go ahead, ask them to nerf demonology, nerf affliction, nerf fear, take away SS and healthstones, make them into a cheap-*** imitation of mages...

...while were at it just tell blizzard they should remove the class, reason being they kill you and **** you off !

How dare they kill your l33t pwnz0rz t00n ! the nerve !

P.D: boy I love being overly melodramatic, lol
#347 Jan 04 2007 at 3:14 AM Rating: Decent
1,288 posts
This thread was started by and posted to by a lot of PvP'ers I used to have respect for. I'd read their threads and gain insight, because as a primarily PvE player, PvP has always been somewhat "out there" for me, and I like any tips and ideas I can get.

Now it's clear I'm on my own, because these formerly respectable people have shown themselves to be crybabies who want a particular class that's been killing them lately to be nerfed into oblivion until they're a walking free honor kill.

I see that Rogues will eventually be able to teleport behind me and start a stunlock, so they won't even need the skill to sneak in. Do I think it's a bit overboard? Sure, but you know what? I'm not making a "nerf rogues" post; I'll learn to deal with it. There will be countering strategies.

Do I feel like post-patch hunters are goddamn rediculous? Sure, but again I'm not making threads about how they need to be free kills, I'm just updating my strategies on dealing with them. Same goes with every other class.

It seems this PvP newb has every right to tell the veterans to Learn2Play, this time around.

Edited, Jan 4th 2007 5:15am by Sanvyn
#348 Jan 04 2007 at 3:27 AM Rating: Decent
1,392 posts
Azatodeth wrote:

The funny thing is now they add Dps in raids even for a short time after their own deaths, which can never be a bad thing (damage that doesn't create aggro? raid leaders sign under the dotted line please).

Count up those raid leaders who want 18 seconds of DoT damage at the expense of losing a dps member and put them up against a dps member that sustains their damage through an entire fight and i think you'll find very few who would give two ***** as to whether the DoTs stay on after they die, quite frankly.

Killing someone who is no where near you 15 seconds after your death is wrong no matter what class you are.

If pets survived a hunter's death to continue attacking you it would be seen as a problem, if a warrior was allowed to MS, BT, WW or execute you after he died it would be seen as a problem, if a mage was able to pyroblast you after he died it would be seen as a problem.

Just because the damage is applied through a curse debuff does not give it a get out of jail free card.
#349 Jan 04 2007 at 4:10 AM Rating: Default

You seem to think I was saying warlocks should die... main being a warlock i'd have to love running from the GY don't you think. IF they die, that's a little buff to raid Dps even after death and the aggro goes down the hole.

If you or other people can heal you, you don't need to die, also, remove curse will not trigger UA (I dont think so at least) and that'll be one big DoT less on you.
If you can dispell and heal and you die, you were unluckily OOM, or dumb. If healers with mana to spare don't heal you up they are ********. None of that is the warlocks fault as such. Damage over time can be "countered", whereas a pet, a pyroblast or an execute may not be dispelled before they cause much damage at all. (and yes again, UA is only avaiable to affliction specced warlocks).

And as I said, if warlocks DoT's should be wiped out on death so should a priests, and a druids in the form of entangling roots (hell its not fair that they ensure my demise by nailing me like a sitting duck even AFTER they are dead), and most kinds of debuffs too.
So kill a warrior and de-hamstring yourself, kill a feral druid and wipe that bleed off you, kill a priest and de-silence yourself, etc...
If you are so nerfing the debuffs which locks rely on do the same to the debuffs that other classes rely on, that would only be fair wouldn't it ?
#350 Jan 04 2007 at 4:28 AM Rating: Good
1,392 posts

If you are so nerfing the debuffs which locks rely on do the same to the debuffs that other classes rely on, that would only be fair wouldn't it ?



Killing someone who is no where near you 15 seconds after your death is wrong no matter what class you are.

No class should have damaging effects continue after they die, that's why i said what i said above.

Out of 9 classes only 3 can remove the dots and they will suffer from UA if it is up. Of those 9 classes only 4 of them can heal themselves through a direct spell means, bandages are interrupted by the damage effect and so over half of the classes are dependant on trying to eat some food that will outheal the damage.

Firstly, you don't always get out of combat straight away meaning that you cannot start eating until it fades and secondly the food healing isn't always strong enough to counteract the damage done depending on how many debuffs you have on you.

Saying that someone should have a pocket healer with them in order to survive an opponent they have already killed is pure lunacy.

I myself have a Warlock and i can't believe that people would actually argue that its perfectly balanced for our dots to continue after our death.
#351 Jan 04 2007 at 5:00 AM Rating: Default
I'm not saying its your case, but... anyone can create a Warlock, and anyone can take a warlock, kill 4 people and say, ah, so its true they are overpowered. I don't think saying you have a toon of a certain class makes your opinion much more valid by a stretch.
I have played with my brother's well equipped low-level rogue and been able to kill twinks I would never have been able to kill as a warlock at his level, but because of that I don't think that rogues are overpowered.

As it is, most real warlock players will know how often they get zerged all over and like the little satisfaction of knowing you are still causing some damage even if they did kill you in 3 seconds.

So your point is other debuffs don't kill you (bleed effects and others can-do though), well the point is a good part of the warlocks ******* and one whole spec, revolves around DoT damage (it is THE class for DoT damage) so what you're asking for is nerfing what makes warlocks kind of unique, like fear which has been repeatedly nerfed and people are still ******** about it needing more nerfs.... if warlocks got all the nerfs people ask for they would barely be faulty mage imitations, you realize this don't you ?

Saying you absolutely shouldn't need a healer to survive an encounter is real optimistic and unrealistic in a game with different classes and specs which can many times decimate others.
And as many before me have stated, I believe Pvp was somehwat balanced around groups, classes are surely not designed to give a 50-50 chance of defeating any other.

I'm not saying it's perfectly or even neatly balanced, but I think it's logical for DoT's to outlast death, just like any other buff/debuff. (As i've said before, i'd rather have DoT's toned down a bit to their pre-patch damage).

Edited, Jan 4th 2007 8:02am by Azatodeth
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