__DEL__1592776718386's Avatar


Posts: 10
Hey Hey Hey there peoples! I used to play WoW and im planning on starting again... i used to play a 49 troll (holy mainly but switched back and forth between shadow and holy a few times) priest on the Elune server whose name was (conveniently) Hathatako. I was a massive Hordie and pvp'd alot and was known as one of the best healers around my lvl... (not trying to say im amazing im just tellin u about my old char. lol) ANYWAYS... for some reason my computer decided one day that it would reject all WoW related sites, DL's, and so on so forth... however it doesnt stop Thottbot, allakhazam (obviously), or warcraftmovies.com. and i couldnt play my char anymore (i was pissed...) but im gonna start playin again and thought i'd make this to see whats new about the game! (i havent played it in about 6 months.. grrr) So please help me out a little if possible it would be greatly appreciated!