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Stories of Newbness (no n00bness)Follow

#152 May 29 2006 at 5:24 AM Rating: Decent
#153 May 29 2006 at 3:28 PM Rating: Decent
I didnt change my first weapon till lvl 26 when i found a lvl 5 green sword

I thought if i delete a profesion and get it back i would still have all my skill points

My first instance was SFK and i did it at lvl 32

the first nlue item i got was [Grim Reaper] at lvl 40

I thought that 10slot bags were the biggest till i got a 12 slot one
#154 May 29 2006 at 4:12 PM Rating: Decent
I wondered why certain creatures had ?? for their lvl. I was eaten by a giant spider and found out.
#155 May 31 2006 at 11:27 PM Rating: Decent
one time when i made my first troll warrior i lagged ( my comp sucked that time) and went to the hidden path shamman place and jumped off to see what would happen... lol

i ended up in ratchet... and tried to get back only to be killed by a prowler....

i destroyred my hearth cuz i thought it was gay... lol
#156 Jun 01 2006 at 12:57 AM Rating: Decent
GeneralTel wrote:
Ive got one that came with a benefit

I was rolling a Tauren Hunter and had just got my second pet (a raptor) and wanted to test him all over the barrens. SO i start looking for something to do and found one of the really small doored tents in the north near durotar. I went in to the tent and when i tried to get out, i got stuck. So while my raptor wanders as i flail in the doorway the following conversation takes place between me and my guild leader:

GL: Where, how and in what?
Me: I went into a goblin house and im a Tauren and I got stuck!!!!
GL: Dude calm down, just use the autohelp thing
Me: The what
GL: The game has a autohelp feature for when you get stuck. Just use it.
GL: Calm down its just a standard feature.
Me: No, not that. My raptor was wandering because I was movin around and now hes stuck with his head poking out of my A$$!!!
GL has just promoted Tel to Officer!
Me: THANKS!!! What was that for!
GL: For your awesome digestive problems!!
Me: LOL I got promoted cuz i shat a raptor!!!

That was the most awesome thing ever. I found out about the autohelp features and became an officer in the guild i still roll with and am now a General in that very guild. See sometimes it helps to be a newb.

That had me crying laughing.

EDIT: other story i really liked was the confused orc warrior story. LMAO you were confused so you walked over a mountain, got killed rezed swam died, repeat, all the way to ratchet, then hearthed. You then deleted at lvl 10 (or was that a different story, i know a number of people had). Confused is the perfect description for that.

Edited, Thu Jun 1 02:25:24 2006 by goofydude
#157 Jun 01 2006 at 1:13 AM Rating: Decent
First time i ever played i made an orc warlock, I jumped off the cliff not knowing what i was doing and proceded in the direction of ratchet. On my way i came across a zebra thinking, "oh a stupid animal! I can definately take this guy!" After that little incident I stopped playing for a week.
#158 Jun 01 2006 at 11:11 AM Rating: Decent
When I started WoW I thought almost every boss were dropping epics. So I got sad everytime Edwin VanCleef only dropped rare. Haha
#159 Jun 03 2006 at 5:10 PM Rating: Decent
I didn't know that you could get a new hearthstone from any inn, so when i accidentally destroyed mine on a lvl 13 rogue, i started a new character cause I didn't want to not have a hearthstone :P
#160 Jun 03 2006 at 5:23 PM Rating: Decent
oh yeah, and it took me about 5 days (real time) to get to ten on my first character. my friends highest char was 15 (we had just started) and I saw some lvl 20s. at the time i was like "HOLY CRAP! your fifteen! sweeet! your sooo high!" so i proceeded to aggro 2 or 3 lvl 20s and get my friends character's *** kicked.
#161 Jun 05 2006 at 1:25 PM Rating: Decent
Way back when I started out, I finally managed to get my lvl 8 NE rogue out of the starting area after about a week of play. I was really confused, I had no idea the mobs didn't get any bigger the higher level I was.
#162 Jun 06 2006 at 1:33 PM Rating: Decent
Omg! Lmao. Destroying your hearthstone for tough jerky...that has to be one of the funniest ones I've read yet. (No offense, hehe) Did you have to delete that character to get a new one?

Some really stuipd things I've done:
Taken the boat in Darkshore to Darnassus, thinking I could kill some "lowbies" (I was level like, 16.)
I used to think that ?? meant they were lvl60+
I used to buy weapons from vendors that were white. (armor I think too)
I went all the way to Gatgetzan thinking that it was the only AH and it would have more items in it because it was for both Horde and Alliance.
The first character I made, I thought that level 6 was high. I was like "Oh man, I'm pretty good I'm already level 6"
#163 Jun 06 2006 at 5:29 PM Rating: Decent
well the biggest noob thing ive done and im sure people have done it is thought need was less than greed.. i mean i can see greed as a gimme that and need as can i please have that.. so i would need everything and people would get pissed.
#164 Jun 07 2006 at 5:40 AM Rating: Decent
3,451 posts
When I was a newbie...

I didn't know in the talents window that you could scroll down that window.

I also was that newbie who kept taunting the horde in /yell thinking that they were understanding what I was typing.

Some great stories here lol.

My favorite being the guy who tried to get to silverpine forest by taking boat to booty bay and running north.... lol!
#165 Jun 08 2006 at 9:55 AM Rating: Decent
well, i'm still pretty much a huge n00bzor. my bf got me into the game, he loves making fun of me cuase i still scream when a mob suddenly attacks me. >_<

but my newbiest moment? probably on my first chara, a night elf... and i thought if i got aggro off more than one mob i would surely die, no matter what lvl. oh, and i destroyed my hearthstone, and deleted the chara, thinking i couldnt get a new one. till i read this i thought i was the only moron who did that so its good to know i'm not alone. XD
#166 Jun 09 2006 at 10:38 AM Rating: Decent
4,297 posts
i rolled on the cloth boots from gnomer... yeah these:
i thought long and hard about it, but figured the stats were quite an upgrade, while sacrificing a little armor. thankfully the squishy won the roll.

also, while leveling up, i actually paid money for whale/wolf gear off the ah.

edit: i rolled on the old version... blizz took off the agi/spirit bonuses and added the +spell...

Edited, Jun 9th 2006 at 11:02am EST by axhed
#167 Jun 09 2006 at 1:04 PM Rating: Decent
I was a newb orc warrior so the place where I learned my trade skills was Razor Hill. I got mining and bs over at the furnace and I was like "I probably should have gotten first aid so that I can heal myself, but no I can't since it's a primary trade skill." So I didn't realize first aid was secondary until around lvl 25. I grinded on those lvl 18 quilboars over in the Barrens for linen for a long time. I'm at like 285 first aid now.

When I first started pvping in BGs I would use the arrow keys to move and press 1,2,3, etc to use skills. So I'm a newb fighting these lvl 19 twinked rogues with crusader on both weapons and I'm trying to click on them, move with the arrow keys, and press the numbers for skills. So half the time I'm not even moving, I'm spinning around trying to hit them and click and push numbers. I have no idea where I am or what the h3ll I'm doing and I have no kills. I got pwned so many times... Yeah but now I'm like in first for my lvl range BGs (around the top 3 usually).

Another thing I did as a newb was adventure. I don't mean adventure the barrens and slaying mighty plainstriders, I meant going into the Stonetalon Mts. at lvl 14, and continuing onto Desolace. I did this to find more flight paths (I have no idea why I wanted the Stonetalon fp). So i run right past Sun Rock Retreat thinking "It doesn't sound like it has a fp there, it sounds like some dumb quest place" and run right past it and up and into Desolace. I had only died around 3 or 4 times in the Mts. so I'm thinking that I can still find the Desolace fp in about 15 minutes. I run into into the burned trees area and die another 3 times or so. And so my armor by now is completely broken and I get into Desolace and see a lizard and some vultures and they're all ?? to me. I think I should be able to sneak past them and so I give it a shot. This d4mn lizard does some kind of crazy charge on me and 1 hits me. I'm yell "WTF NOOB, LEMME GET THE FU***** FP TO THIS UGLY PLACE" once I come back to life and try to run and the vultures get me and I die over and over. Long story short, I hearthed the h3ll outta there with no FPs and a broken pride. I go back there at lvl 40 and see that those lizards were like lvl 32. I always wondered how they 1 hitted me...(sorry for the long posts)

Edited, Jun 9th 2006 at 1:33pm EST by Carothan
#168 Jun 14 2006 at 11:46 AM Rating: Decent
362 posts
With my first character, I didn't know that there was a difference between yellow mobs and red mobs. So here I am in the Undead starting area trying desperatly to dodge lvl 1 and 2 zombies so I didn't aggro them. I also tried to explore Western Plaguelands at level 10.
#169 Jun 14 2006 at 2:41 PM Rating: Decent
509 posts
Reviving a dead thread, why not? It's a fun one.

I soloed as a priest up to about level 17, and then joined a party going into WC that needed a healer and was desperate enough to take me--"Just stay back, don't attack anything, heal us only," which I was more than happy to oblige. Going solo all the time I never had the experince of the group loot, and noticed that all coin was shared equally, the finder kept the normal stuff, and the good stuff was rolled upon. I did NOT know that items found in chests were not so shared, so as the group recouped from a battle I went to a chest to open it for them.


They politely informed me of my mistake...and I refused to open a single chest the rest of the instance so as not to get booted from the party...17 Pr solo in WC does not have a high survivability rate...
#170 Jun 16 2006 at 5:54 AM Rating: Decent
Happened yesterday, i rolled a lock to try them out. After a couple of hours i hit 10 and stride happily to do the quest to get my voidy
Got the book, a shard outside and dismissed my imp to be in new-pet-summoning mode
I get to the guy, he tells me to use a rune "ok, let's do it", the blue one is summoned and i happily press alt+z to take a few screenshots
well, little did i know, i had to kill the ******* before the whole deal was finished, only noticed he was pummeling me when i had about 50% hp left :P
#171 Jun 16 2006 at 7:53 AM Rating: Decent
Lol we all make newb mistakes but some of the ones I've read here just made me laugh my *** off!!
Getting to level 20 without learning a single skill??
Not going to an AH before 55??
And deleting 4 level 12 Shamans just because you encountered a level 17 mob (that MUST be a lie)!! ROFL

I reckon I made a few dumb ones too.. I remember it took me a while to figure out how to speak in General chat.. I would be like /s Can you guys hear me? Hellooo?


Oh yeah and I think with my first hunter, I didn't realise you could train your pet new and better skills, so I was always wondering why my pet couldn't keep a shred of aggro on him!

Excellent thread, keep em comin :)

#172 Jun 16 2006 at 10:01 AM Rating: Decent
When I was a level 15 NE druid (yeah, I know, typical girl and total newb), I needed to up my fishing. I was already at 150. My husband, who has a 42 dwarf hunter, told me there was a guy in Booty Bay who sold a fishing book. So I asked him to escort me there. You can imagine. We met in Menethil and I put myself on follow. He told me when to shadowmeld if there were mobs up ahead and we were fine. Fast forward to STV. Yikes. I had no idea that the higher level mobs could still see me when I was shadowmelded and of course you can't meld once you're in combat, which I always seemed to be. Plus, with aspect of the cheetah on our group, first hit would stun me. And I was always stunned. Eventually, after dying about 50 times and only inching forward each time, we were ganked and corpse-camped by a few 60 hordes. I gave up, rezzed at the graveyard and hearthed back to Auberdine.

Then it hit me. My dwarf husband could just go to Booty Bay himself, buy the book, and mail it to me. Oy, why didn't I think of that? So he did. Turns out you have to be level 20 to use it. Double oy.

Side note: One of the 60 hordies ganking me was an Undead priest who'd possess me (mind control?) and tell me to dance. That was the first I'd seen of my stupid NE dancing. Yikes. Anyway, my NE is still in the inn in Auberdine and has been there since I rerolled an undead warlock. She can stay there.

Edited, Jun 16th 2006 at 11:02am EDT by Unrequited
#173 Jun 16 2006 at 12:23 PM Rating: Decent
Unrequited wrote:
When I was a level 15 NE druid (yeah, I know, typical girl and total newb), I needed to up my fishing. I was already at 150. My husband, who has a 42 dwarf hunter, told me there was a guy in Booty Bay who sold a fishing book. So I asked him to escort me there. You can imagine. We met in Menethil and I put myself on follow. He told me when to shadowmeld if there were mobs up ahead and we were fine. Fast forward to STV. Yikes. I had no idea that the higher level mobs could still see me when I was shadowmelded and of course you can't meld once you're in combat, which I always seemed to be. Plus, with aspect of the cheetah on our group, first hit would stun me. And I was always stunned. Eventually, after dying about 50 times and only inching forward each time, we were ganked and corpse-camped by a few 60 hordes. I gave up, rezzed at the graveyard and hearthed back to Auberdine.

Then it hit me. My dwarf husband could just go to Booty Bay himself, buy the book, and mail it to me. Oy, why didn't I think of that? So he did. Turns out you have to be level 20 to use it. Double oy.

Side note: One of the 60 hordies ganking me was an Undead priest who'd possess me (mind control?) and tell me to dance. That was the first I'd seen of my stupid NE dancing. Yikes. Anyway, my NE is still in the inn in Auberdine and has been there since I rerolled an undead warlock. She can stay there.

Edited, Jun 16th 2006 at 11:02am EDT by Unrequited

Just curious if your husband started a horde char too.

Edited, Jun 16th 2006 at 1:24pm EDT by Soulcough
#174 Jun 16 2006 at 12:42 PM Rating: Decent
Yeah, actually he did. He parked his 42 dwarf in Menethil and has been playing a Troll mage. We started at the same time, along with my brother who did an Orc warrior and a Troll shammy. My brother actually parked his 60 dwarf priest to reroll horde. He'll dig his priest out every now and then to run MC but that's it. I'm surprised at how much we all love playing Horde. But I guess you guys aren't.
#175 Jun 16 2006 at 1:08 PM Rating: Decent
Lets see...

*First character was a Warrior as I thought when I got higher in lvl I could specialize into other classes ..i.e Mage, Rogue, etc.

*I could not for the life of me figure out how to change the angle of the camera as it was looking directly down on me and I could not see anything 2 yards infront of me.

*Did not figure out out how to swim under water till well in my 20s.

*Did not figure out how to type in general chat to well in my 20s.

*Did not take any stats into account, would buy armor from AH that were increases in armor value only.

*Got excited when a guildy said he could give my weapon a glow, so I mailed my lvl 16 weapon to him and he disenchanted it thinking it was part of the mats for the enchant.

*Did not figure out how to train my pet till well in my 20s. Was wondering why it could not keep aggro.

I'm sure there is more, I'm just good at blocking out painful memories.
#176 Jun 16 2006 at 1:13 PM Rating: Decent
I didn't know that hammerfall was a horde area...thought it might be a place to grind....I was killed...der
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