__DEL__1591891775180's Avatar


Posts: 13
hello people who actually bother to read things like this i am alex. i like pie... mmmmmmm pie. ecspecially epic pie.. mmmmmmm epic pie. i like WOW (obvious) and i think i have a main on vashj but i don't know cause i think i deleted it (horde) :(. anyway i'm going to aliance as a paladin( silence.......) on i think a PVE server (woot healadins!). anyway forget WOW, i live in newton-le-willows (it's a place in england) and i still go to school :(. i have 1 sister cough*lvl 60 mage*cough and my mom. i'm 12 years old (yay almost 13) and i have now deleted my social life just to play on WOW ^^.