Report To Polinia (Aion Quest)  

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Poeta Quest Series
Elyos Only
Cannot be shared.
Can be abandoned.
Start Zone: Poeta
Start Place: Akarios Plains
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Talk with Mires in Poeta at Akarios Plains.
Level 2 Report To Polinia
  1. Report to Polinia
Your work in the Akarios Plains is complete. Go to Akarios Village and report your results to priest Polinia
 Basic Reward
180 Kinah
    Other Resources: PowerWikiArmoryAiondbGoogle

    All quests reward XP but NCSoft is fond of changing the amounts frequently, to the point that it is simply not wise to try to track the exact amount in a wiki.

    Quest Notes

    Go north along the road to Akarios Village, past the Obelisk on your left, then straight ahead to the Nobelium. Polinia is standing right in front of it.

    Grain Thieves Poeta
    Quest Series
    Akarios Plain
    Collecting Aria
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    This page last modified 2012-08-02 21:31:06.