Obol Plains (EQ2 Quest Series)  

Obol Plains
Quest Series
Starting ZoneObol Plains
Rec. Levels93 to 95
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Next Cobalt Scar
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EverQuest II
Quest Series

November 13, 2012
Game Update 65

See Also: Obol Plains Collections

To Obol Plains - Take the Tourbillion in The Eidolon Jungle at -2416, 201, 735 .

Signature Series

The signature series starts in Eidolon Jungle. You'll have to do the whole signature there to start the one in Obol Plains.

  • Shades of Drinal: Puzzle Pieces (96) is the quest sending you to Obol Plains.
    • Obol Plains expansion dungeons (but not raid) will be inaccessible if you do not work through these signature quests.

Drinal's Steward at the zoning point from Eidolon Jungle -722.99, -3.78, 21.15

Cardin Ward

Firiona Vie in the abbey of Cardin Ward at -364.84, 13.70, -25.48

  1. A Harrowing Experience (94) - sends you to Furtog and Galen
  2. A Trusted Witness (94) - available after completing Furtog's and Galen's quests. Completing this will update Shades of Drinal: Cardin protection.

Furtog Ogrebane in Cardin Ward at -454.91, 9.52, 13.65

  1. Ethereal Material (94) - available after completing Firiona Vie's first quest, A Harrowing Experience
  2. Thugs on a Plain (94)
  3. Gate Crashers! (94) - completing this will update Shades of Drinal: Cardin protection

Galen Cadabrak in Cardin Ward at -460, 15, 84

  1. Constructing Cardin Wardens (94) - available after completing Firiona Vie's first quest, A Harrowing Experience
  2. Signs of Tourbillion Trouble (94)
  3. Out of the Fire... (94) - completing this will update Shades of Drinal: Cardin protection

Anton the Mad in Cardin Ward at -456.44, 11.15, -26.48

  1. Mad Crown's Quest (94) - this quest is not linked to the Signature timeline
  2. Taming of the Tuatara (94)

Click on the eyeball jar at -453, 15, 75

  • Bandit Busters (94) - requires some progression through the Cardin Ward quests
    • We believe that finishing Galen's quests will unlock this one; need confirmation.

Incantatory Apex

Tal'il Amhenti in Incantory Apex at -84.54, 43.25, -230.27

  1. Saving Apprentice Phophar (94) - available when you are working on Shades of Drinal: Incantatory Corruption
  2. Gehein Some, Lose Some (94)
  3. Soldiers in the Ether (94)
  4. Tourbillion Interruption (94) - completing this will update Shades of Drinal: Incantatory Corruption
  5. Connecting Ether Threads (94) - available some time after finishing Shades of Drinal: Incantatory Corruption.
    • This quest unlocks the Obol Plains Wizard Spires at 81.06, 37.80, -335.91 .

K'Rin Valdim in Incantory Apex at -67.37, 44.74, -214.63

  1. Valdim's Grand Plan (94) - available after completing Tal'il's first quest, Saving Apprentice Phophar
  2. Desired Siphon Components (94)
  3. Well Worth the Troubles (94) - completing this will update Shades of Drinal: Incantatory Corruption. (Note: Nita is at -387.19, -8.04, -249.74)

Damion Trebatius in Incantory Apex at -64.14, 44.72, -218.87

  1. Arcane Repercussions Unknown (94) - this quest is not linked to the Signature timeline
  2. Test with Ether Essence (94)

Naisha Vallinasis in Incantory Apex at -67.12, 44.65, -221.90
after clicking the pot at -68.60, 44.33, -222.95

  • Soiled Soil (94) - this quest is not linked to the Signature timeline

Galen Cadabrak in Incantory Apex at -68.21, 44.60, -218.70

Sanctuary of the Devoted

Venox Tarkog under a tree in Sanctuary of the Devoted at 219.36, 79.85, -47.35

  1. Convenient Conversion (95) - available when you are working on Shades of Drinal: Devoted Knowledge
  2. Religious Studies (95)
  3. Search of Scales (95) - available after completing Deema's and Duskrender's quests. Completing this will update Shades of Drinal: Devoted Knowledge

Deema Mertshak in Sanctuary of the Devoted at 231.24, 89.81, 86.02

  1. Mertshak's Search for a Bite (95)
  2. Lujien, not Lycan (95)
  3. Littlepaw's Knowledge (95) - available after completing Duskrender's quests.

Duskrender in Sanctuary of the Devoted at 260.15, 89.22, 67.32

  1. Ascension of a God (95)
  2. Ascension Assistance (95)

Blackhowl in Sanctuary of the Devoted at 280.53, 94.42, 80.82

  1. Rise of the Lujien (95) - this quest is not linked to the Signature timeline
  2. Offering for Drinal (95)
  3. Death to the Horde! (95) - (Repeatable)

Clickable statue in Sanctuary of the Devoted at 282.61, 94.57, 78.71

Clickable altar in Sanctuary of the Devoted at 280.43, 94.45, 83.62
Available after completing Blackhowl's quest, Offering for Drinal. You can only choose one.

Whittled Woodlot

Wegadas in Whittled Woodlot at -40.49, -3.60, 533.73

  1. Wegadas's Woven Knowledge (95) - available when you are working on Shades of Drinal: Dashed Upon the Shore
  2. A Jagged Branch (95)
  3. Ethershade Parley (95)
  4. Augur Aggression (95)
  5. Druidic Cleansing (95)
  6. Rooted in Growth (95) - completing this will update Shades of Drinal: Dashed Upon the Shore and unlock Obol Plain's druid ring
    • Completing this quest will also open up the Ethernere druid ring in the Norrathian druid ring network.

Madyl D'Lareth in Whittled Woodlot at -19.82, -3.70, 546.66

  1. Unkempt Desires (95) - available after completing Wegadas' first quest
  2. Spiritual Guidance (95)
  3. Dreary Coast Guard (95) - completing this will update Shades of Drinal: Dashed Upon the Shore

Clickable journal near Madyl D’Lareth in Whittled Woodlot at -18.74, -3.67, 544.60

Dalyana Pinecrest in Whittled Woodlot at -93.06, -3.59, 423.75

  • Even the Score (95) - this quest is not linked to the Signature timeline. You need to have worked with Venox Tarkog first.

Jenni Everling in Whittled Woodlot at -20.46, -3.59, 531.70

  1. Chock Full of Rocks (95) - available after completing Wegadas' quest, A Jagged Branch
  2. Evercursed (95)
  3. Jenni's Stained Pants (95) - available after completing Scuttle's quest, One Hungry Bug

Scuttles in Whittled Woodlot at -21.01, -3.64, 530.02

  1. Hungry Little Guy (95) - available after completing Jenni's quest, Chock Full of Rocks
  2. One Hungry Bug (95) - need to wait about 30 minutes to get this quest
  3. Dreary Dating Game (95) - after some time, scuttles has kids. If you speak to Jenni, you can grab one for your house.

Bloo the exiled in Whittled Woodlot at 6.19, 7.76, 561.66

Object Triggered

ZAM would like to thank Whilhelmina for organizing the series page and gathering quest information.

November 13, 2012
Game Update 65

This page last modified 2013-11-05 14:59:17.