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Tome Tactics
Boon of the Impalpable
Requires 2 unlocked Fragments
You can approach 50% closer to an enemy Dwarf, Elf, or Human monster before it will attack you.
Boon of Tenacity
Requires 4 unlocked Fragments
You can approach 50% closer to an enemy Dwarf, Elf, or Human monster before it will attack you, and any abilities used against them will cost 10% less action points.
Boon of Persistence
Requires 6 unlocked Fragments
You can approach 50% closer to an enemy Dwarf, Elf, or Human monster before it will attack you, and any abilities used against them will cost 10% less action points. You will gain 50% more experience from these enemies.

Unlocking Manly Tome Tactics

  1. Kill Lodwig Falkenheim - In Ostland (see Ostland Tome Unlock Party)
  2. Slayers
  3. Interact with Stonesmith Supplies on the broken bridge in Kadrin Valley 29,40k. Surrounded by Level 40 Order Dwarfs.
  4. Kill Drakk Cultist - Level 35. These mobs are part of a Public Quest and may not always be up. Be patient. The tome unlock for this part is on the 3rd page if you're looking to see if you received it as Hard To Be a Leader.
  5. Kill 1000 Living Armors - Level 36. These are located on the Isle of the Dead, and may be part of a Destruction Public Quest.
  6. Kill 1000 Night Goblins. Located in Mount Gunbad.

You get 1 Tactic for every two unlocks.

This page last modified 2008-12-03 13:53:27.

Articles in category "Man Tome Tactics"

There are 2 articles in this category.