Category:Mobs (RoM)  

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Mobs, or Mobile Objects, includes all NPCs and all monsters that you will meet, or fight, in the game.

Difficulty: Mobs in RoM come in three "flavors": Solo, Elite and Crown Elite. Elite's have the golden eagle thing around their portrait when you target them and are intended for groups. Crown Elites (also called King-Level Elites) have the same gold eagle as Elites but display a crown where the level should be. These are the hardest mobs in the game, at all levels. Mobs in instances scale, some, and an Elite will be slightly softer when faced by a solo player than when faced by a group. Beware, though, 'cause you can never be sure which mobs this applies to.

Trash Mobs: Most games have what are referred to commonly as "Trash Mobs". These are mobs that are there just to get in your way, make the area more dangerous, and to drop "Trash Loot". You get some XP and a little gold but little else. Well, RoM has them too but they are much less trashy because almost every mob in this game will drop Daily Quest Items. A great way to level up (or to level your secondary) is to accumulate massive quantities of these items and then turn them all in. The items are even trade-able so they can be used to level up an alt or to give to a guildie to help them level up!

See also:

Category: Runes of Magic
This page last modified 2010-05-04 12:09:49.

Articles in category "Mobs (RoM)"

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