Category:Grinder (COS Race)  

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City of Steam
the invention of pre-Toiler technology moved with such precision and speed that they seemed to appear over night. The tireless instruments created by Perge Heavy Instruments were set to tasks less appealing and dangerous to organic life from mining and construction to food preparation and even personal aides. They gained such popularity that new models were constantly being released, often without proper quality testing. Many point to this as the primary cause of the manifestation of the violent and unpredictable Grinder personality.

Grinders crave viscous motor oil, granting them resistance to acid and corrosive chemicals.

Toilers that suffer a cortex crash become Grinders. These savage automatons band together to hoard scrap and attack travelers.

This page last modified 2013-08-11 12:29:29.

Articles in category "Grinder (COS Race)"

There are 9 articles in this category.
