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A Feral Druid's Outland Gear Guide (WoW)  

Just now entering Outland? Want to know what kind of upgrades to expect and where to find them? Well I've got a list for you! I'll be listing the exact items and where to find them.

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Quick FAQ

Q: What does all this mean? A: I've listed all the quests in the normal way you'd be questing in each part of Outland (order of the sections) and each item under the heading is listed as ITEM followed by the "suggested" level for the quest and if it's a group quest it'll have a G next to it and then finally the name of the quest.

Q: But some of the suggestions are weird and I really don't like them. A: This is just a guideline feel free to pick and choose or even leave a suggestion for a change, you can either contact me here or you can email me at fewyn (at) fewyn (dot) net

Q: You don't have some of the instances listed here, why not? A: This is a gear up guide for pre-level 70 so I tried to not list any of the level 70 instances at this time, I'll probably expand this guide to cover that and raiding gear in the near future but as I'm just hitting 70 on my druid I'm not quite sure of raiding gear yet.

Q: What?! You're just hitting 70? A: Yep but I've been playing since release so I do know a bit and I do really hope people find this useful. I've raided as both a shadow priest and a warlock and thought trying something different was in order which is why I'm feral.

This posting is Copyright 2008 - reprinted with permission

Note: All of these are listed for the Horde currently and should all have Alliance equivalents. Note: Also some of these quests may be faction sided between Aldor and the Scryers.

Hellfire Peninsula

Belt: Pilgrim's Belt from Marking the Path


Cloak: Vindicator's Cloak from Zeth'Gor Must Burn!

Feet: Studded Green Anklewraps from Natural Remedies


Idol: Idol of the Wild from Colossal Menace (DO NOT VENDOR OR DISENCHANT, this is one of the better idols pre-raiding)

Legs: Flayer-Hide Leggings from Disrupt Their Reinforcements

'''Neck: Wind Dancer's Pendant from Avruu's Orb

'''Ring: Felblood Band from The Cleansing Must Be Stopped

'''Shoulder: Miner's Brace from The Mastermind

'''Trinket: Bladefist's Breadth from Cruel's Intentions[1]

'''Weapon: Agamaggan's Quill from Felspark Ravine

Hellfire Ramparts

Belt: Shifting Sash of Midnight from Reinforced Fel Iron Chest

Bracers: Bracers of Finesse from Watchkeeper Gargolmar

Neck: Garrote-String Necklace from Omor the Unscarred

Weapon: Ursol's Claw from Reinforced Fel Iron Chest

The Blood Furnace

Chest: Vest of Vengeance from Keli'dan the Breaker

Neck: Pendant of Battle-Lust from The Maker

Shoulders: Mantle of the Dusk-Dweller from Keli'dan the Breaker


Belt: Feralfen Skulker's Belt from Messenger to the Feralfen

Bracers: Leesa'oh's Wristbands from Stealing Back the Mushrooms

Feet: Mud Encrusted Boots from A Damp, Dark Place

Gloves: Blacksting Gloves from Nothin' Says Lovin' Like a Big Stinger


Ring: Warden's Ring of Precision from Drain Schematics

Shoulder: Wild Shoulderpads from Leader of the Bloodscale

Weapon: Staff of the Wild from Now That We're Friends...

Coilfang Reservoir: The Slave Pens

Gloves: Deft Handguards from Quagmirran

Coilfang Reservoir: The Underbog

Legs: Skulldugger's Leggings from The Black Stalker

Terokkar Forest

Bracers: Talonstalker Bracers from Veil Lithic: Preemptive Strike

Chest: Cenarion Thicket Jerkin from Letting Earthbinder Tavgren Know





Auchindoun: Mana-Tombs




Auchindoun: Auchenai Crypts













Blade's Edge Mountains





Gloves: Dire Wolf Handler Gloves from Protecting Our Own

Head: Spiritcaller's Mask from There Can Be Only One Response

Legs: T'chali's Kilt from A Curse Upon Both of Your Clans!

Neck: Natasha's Choker from The Hound-Master

Ring: Leafbeard Ring from Exorcising the Trees

Shoulder: Mok'Nathal Champion's Shoulderguards from Spirit Calling

Weapon: Wild Wood Staff from From the Ashes



Bracers: Brightdawn Bracers from Information Gathering



Gloves: Gloves of the Nether-Stalker from Dealing with the Overmaster



Neck: Chain of Glowing Tendrils from Hitting the Motherlode

Ring: Kaylaan's Signet from Deathblow to the Legion


Trinket: Core of Ar'kelos from Ar'kelos the Guardian

Weapon: Fleshling Simulation Staff from Nexus-King Salhadaar

Shadowmoon Valley

Belt: Manimal's Cinch from Enraged Spirits of Air

Bracers: Aged Leather Bindings from The Great Retribution

Legs: Ash Tempered Legguards from Thwart the Dark Conclave

Ring: Band of Anguish from News of Victory

Shoulder: Azurestrike Shoulders from Capture the Weapons


  1. ^ The tanking version from this quest is of no use use to a feral druid.

World of Warcraft

This page last modified 2008-06-19 13:40:09.