Revision as of 2008-04-08 22:39:15
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EverQuest II  

--Current Events--

Welcome to Allakhazam's EQ2 Wikibase

What is a Wikibase?

The flexibility of a wiki with the advanced search capabilities of a database, and we call this new, hybrid animal... Wikibase!

As a new feature at Allakhazam's, there is much work to be done here. Our goal is nothing short of total integration of the traditional database you have grown to love and depend on, with the wiki providing total access to quest descriptions, mob notes, and other helpful information.

Initially, all wiki panels on DB pages will have the text that appeared in the DB, but that is only the starting point! Wiki links can be added to improve site linking of related information. Corrections from the messages section can be used to update the text.

If you see a page with incorrect or incomplete info, you don't have to grumble or email a CM to fix it, just click Edit and do it! YOU have the power, now!

Please keep the wiki text clear, concise and to the point. Chat, comments and general discussion belong in the messages as always! Please see the Guidelines for the wiki-rules!

The Shard of Hate (GU44) is here!
On the heels of Brew Day, or maybe with a little help from all the Everlasting Brew flowing around Norrath, fights have been breaking out all over! Hate seems to be seeping into Norrath, but from where? For a few answers, see the Game Update #44 Preview at EQ2Players!

GU44 and the Shard of Hate went live on 4/8/2008 with a World Event that is available to all levels.

Allakhazam EQ2 Dev Chat!
A chat between EQ2 Devs and members of the community was held on Feb. 28. See the log, here.

See the IRC info page for instructions on how to join us for the next one!

Game Update #43 is live!
Game Update #43 went live on 3/4. New shiny and loot rules, more bankers and menders in city zones, more bells for moving around within Qeynos and Freeport, and new tradeskill recipes!
Most Wanted
  • Stubs - list of pages that have little or no content, or are in need of additional content, waiting for a contributor!
  • Character Subclasses - Most of our class info is either blank right now, or copied from EQ2i (which gives us a good starting place). Won't you help round out your class?
  • Now that we are "live" we have alot of work to do. Thanks to the DB and the automatic inclusion of all that, we have alot less to do than a normal wiki startup would have, but the connecting tissue of this wiki is pretty thin right now. I will concentrate on the design and the tools, if you will help provide the content! Deal? - Bludwyng

Wikibase Help

Allakhazam EQ2 Team
Senior CM Calthine
Community Managers Kiara
Raven Darkwing
Wikibase Admin Bludwyng
News, Blogs, and Random Nuttiness
  • 3/11 - Are you a lore hound? Check out Bludwyng's newest lore effort, The Everling Family.
  • 3/4 - The forces of evil(tm) have been pushed back once again and we are back up!
  • 2/13 - 2 things for you today: The new quest for Erollisi Day has been added (see the bottom of the ED page), and new sweetness for raiders... Rise of Kunark Raid Quest Series!
  • 2/6 - GU42 is live, bringing Erollisi Day, Epic Weapons, Pet Options window and the Connection Meter window!
  • 1/19 - GU42 will open Erollisi Day and introduce the Epic Weapons Quest Series. This update should be starting on Test very soon.
  • 1/18 - LoN Raid Cards for the new Trakanon deck are now dropping in-game, along with a new Mayong Mistmoore unit card and 2 new mount loot cards.
  • 1/15 - Kiara has an interview with Bruce Ferguson, the new EQ2 Senior Producer, at this link
  • 12/28 - EQ2 Lucy (log parser for EQ2 Allakhazam) goes live! See this page for download links and installation instructions!
  • 12/16 - Finally, we see a seriously sweet quest in RoK. See the Thuuga Quest Series for a 3-quest Heroic series that rewards a FABLED neck or wrist item!
  • 12/12 - Game Update #41 went live today! See the link, GU41, for notes and such.
  • 12/9 - I have been busy over on Test checking out the new content coming with GU41: Frostfell is the big one, but there is also more tradeskill goodness coming, and a few new quests that did not quite make it into the Rise of Kunark release! - Bludwyng
  • 11/25 - Scott Hartsman, aka "Gallenite", has an interview over at Massively where he has some interesting things to say about:
    • Improved quest XP throughout EQ2
    • Dungeon XP vs. Questing
  • Massively also has news about a rumor over at that Scott is leaving SOE for a new start-up. :(
  • 11/13 - Rise of Kunark (aka GU40) is now Live!
  • 11/9 - The Rise of Kunark NDA has been lifted!! See Gallenite's announcement.
  • 11/6 - By the end of today the rest of the DB pages should be wikified.
  • 11/5 - As of 5 minutes ago, this Wikibase is LIVE! We are now in the left sidebar menu, and the doors are open.
  • 11/5 - Kiara discusses the shift in the MMO industry from hard-and-fast deadlines to highly polished content in A Happy Medium
  • 10/23 - Kiara reports back from her official RoK Press Tour in What Happens When You Give a Dark Elf Power?
  • 10/22 - EQ2 Allakhazam announces its RoK Beta Key Giveaway Trivia Contest!
  • 10/17 - Game Update #39 is going live this morning!
  • 10/9 - The Quest DB pages are now wikified! YOU can edit them!
  • 10/9 - Read Bludwyng's Field Notes from Shard of Fear!
  • 10/6 - Winter has an interview with Craig Dalrymple (aka Grimwell) of SOE about community, over at The WinWin Situation. PINK ALERT: This site has alot of pink... you have been warned.
  • 8/2 - Digging back a bit, but some of you may not have seen this and it is worth seeing! Calthine went to Fan Faire and sent back a number of Blog reports! Fan Faire Blog #1 - Fan Faire Blog #2 - Fan Faire Blog #3 - Fan Faire Blog #4 - Fan Faire Photo Album and many more, including some from Kiara, at EQ2 Guides under the Events heading.
EverQuest II

Categories: Main Page | EverQuest II
This page last modified 2008-04-08 22:39:15.