Revision as of 2017-10-26 03:52:08
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EQ:Code Changes  

What has been changed/fixed and is live:

- The character edit tool now has the current list of servers.
- The recipe search tool now alpha sorts classes.
- Expected token not present error message on the lucy site is fixed.
- Changed ordering of currency in code which will make it easier for me to sort through all the different currency in the future when I need to add a new currency. No changes will be noticed on the site because of this change.
- Changed Orum currency to Orux, will need to update vendors that use this currency for items to use Orux.
- Removed sites from the admin panel that are no longer around which includes the FFXIV site even though the site is still here. However none of the admin tools even worked for that site.
- Changed the description for items where it shows what zone the item is found in. That description also sometimes is for foraged items only and it can be confusing if the item is dropped and foraged in the same zone as well. So now it will say "Foraged in or Found in:"
- Changed up the vendor edit page. The tradeskill column was so wide that it was scrolling the page. I changed the drop down option that was causing that and also shortened one of the column headers. Everything should fit better on the page now.
- Fixed item type for Illusions (Unknown #69) on allakhazam site.
- Fixed the edit NPC spell section to where the box contains both NPC and player spells.
- Added a bunch more NPC types.
- Fixed LoN items from showing "LoN: This item is is a reward from Legends of Norrath." Now it will be "LoN: This item is a reward from Legends of Norrath."
- Changed how the expansion tag for Legends server items display. Instead of the old "Required: Yes", it is now "Server Only Item" to show it is a server only item.
- Changed the max amount of posts on any forum (actual forums, items, quests, zones, etc..) to 25 per page.
- Cleaned up the EQ admin panel of dead links and organized it a bit better.
- Spell SPA slots from 13 to 32 now show on spells.
- Fixed item types for illusion items. This will get rid of the Unknown #69 for item type on lucy and allakhazam. (Will require the spell parser to be ran again)
- Added Sarnak Skeleton as an illusion type for spells. This will fix the new illusion item from showing Illusion: Unknown(155) as the SPA slot 1 info. (Will require the spell parser to be ran again)
- Added missing lore groups for many items.
- Added a bunch of proc spells for all classes to the exclusion list for the spell search tool so people see only spells they can put in a spell book.
- Added SPA 464, 465, 466, 467, 468, 472 and 473. (Will require running the spell parser again to add these)
- Fixed persistent effects mapping for Aura of the Artist spells.
- Added more procs to the exclusion list for the spell search tool.
- Added SPA 461, 462, 463, 478, 479, 481, 482, 484. (Will require running the spell parser again to add these)
- Spells listed on a NPC page will now show all 32 SPA slots instead of 12 if the spell has SPA's > than 12.
- Fixed a bunch of persistent effects, mapping them to their right spells.
- Fixed a bunch more persistent effects thanks to Barudin314.
- Changed up SPA 478 "Move to Bottom of Hatelist (%)" and corrected the chance to actually be a percentage instead of a number.
- Fixed allakhazam item page to actually show all 32 SPA slots on spells. - Added Ring of Scale to multiple files and requested allakhazam items table add the column for the expansion. - Added a few stat options for the advanced item search tool. - Added some missing item loregroups for the allakhazam site. - Correctly mapped a bunch more persistent effects. 10-15-2017 - Added SPA 471, 475, 480, 481, 483, 486.
10-17-2017 - Changed SPA 450 from DoT Guard (numberhere) to Absorb Dot Damage (percent).
10-18-2017 - Changed up the spell parser script to use low priority when running.

What is waiting to be approved:

Future Changes Planned:

Fix more spell SPA issues.
Add more features to the advanced item search.


10-6-2017 - I'm working on fixing resist SPA's that don't scale yet we have them currently trying to scale for some reason. So I'm setting them to not scale anymore and use the right values, either base or max value. - Gidono
10-7-2017 - I fixed a bunch of persistent effects, mapping them to their right spells. Thanks Barudin314 for listing those out. - Gidono
10-8-2017 - Took a break from working on spells and I'm working on adding some options to the advanced item search. I added a search option for heirloom items so far and fixed the advanced item search to default to Any Effect under the Effect drop down box. Also fixed spells listed on a NPC page will now show all 32 SPA slots instead of 12 if the spell has SPA's > than 12.- Gidono
10-8-2017 - Spells listed on a NPC page will now show all 32 SPA slots instead of 12 if the spell has SPA's > than 12. Fixed a bunch of persistent effects, mapping them to their right spells. - This code is live now. The persistent effects won't update until we run the spell parser again
10-8-2017 - Added Mana Regen to the advanced item search tool under Limit to items with stats: drop down boxes and Sort Items By: drop down boxes. Also added the stat where it actually shows as a stat when using the advanced item search. Also changed the way items are sorted by default. Primary sorting is now the only sorting by default now since using secondary ordering on anything other than none screws up primary sorting which people think the sorting doesn't work when they don't understand the weight settings. Also removed the score column on searches as it is taking up room we can be using for showing all the new stats I'll be adding.
10-8-2017 - Added Endurance Regen to the advanced item search tool just like above for Mana Regen.
10-9-2017 - Added HP Regeneration, same as above. - Gidono
10-9-2017 - Sorting changes are causing issues so not pushing this code until I fix it. - Gidono
10-10-2017 - Fixed a bunch of persistent effects thanks to Barudin314 for looking all the correct spells up. This code is now live but will need the spell parser ran again to correct all the spells. - Gidono
10-10-2017 - Changed up SPA 478 "Move to Bottom of Hatelist (%)" and corrected the chance to actually be a percentage instead of a number. This code is now live.
10-10-2017 - Worked on adding Ring of Scale as the new expansion. I think I got all the code done and database tables I need to update. I'll be testing this out.
10-11-2017 - Fixed allakhazam item page to actually show all 32 SPA slots on spells.
10-11-2017 - Fixed Advanced item sorting issue I had earlier. Also added Spell Damage, Heal Amount, Attack to the list of stats you will see on advance item searches. You can sort by them as well.
10-11-2017 - Added Clairvoyance as well.
10-12-2017 - Added in missing item loregroups for allakhazam. Lucy already had these loregroups.
10-15-2017 - Added SPA 471, 475, 480, 481, 483, 486.
10-16-2017 - Figured out a fix for the Everquest class forums. They are currently showing broken links on the forum links at the top. The class forums will be moved to actual class forums under our current Everquest forum in their own forums. I'm going to wait on this until the forum issues are fixed however.
10-17-2017 - Changed SPA 450 from DoT Guard (numberhere) to Absorb Dot Damage (percent).
10-18-2017 - Changed up the spell parser script to use low priority when running.
10-21-2017 - Working on optimizing the whole spell parser process.
10-22-2017 - Going through all the spell columns in the spell databases and marking which columns aren't even needed as we only display certain information anyways. This will help performance for the spell system. During this process I am fixing unknown columns with their actual names if we are going to keep them.
10-22-2017 - Also setting columns to their correct integers such as tinyint, smallint and etc.. Corrected Unknown130 through Unknown190.
10-23-2017 - All Unknown columns corrected. Still working on setting all columns to their correct data types and then will need to build a shell script to make all the database table changes.
10-26-2017 - Added item type Familiar to Lucy and Allakhazam. Illusion item type is showing Unknown#69 on Lucy for some reason even though code was released to fix that.
10-26-2017 - Changed max level to 110 in spells and other areas.

Category: EverQuest
This page last modified 2017-10-26 03:52:08.