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EQ:Progression PoP Spells  

Progression Server Information & Guides:

Overview | Kunark | Velious | Luclin | Planes of Power

PoP Sub Menu:


These are spells that were released with the Planes of Power expansion, not including previous expansion spells. If you are logged in as a premium member, drop information can be viewed by clicking on the spell name.

Target Clarifications:
Self = Cast only on yourself.
Single = Cast on your target.
Single Party Member = Cast only on a player within your group.
Pet = Cast on your pet only.
Undead = Casts only on undead NPC's.
Targeted AE = Casts an area effect on your target.
Group V1 = Cast on your group only.
Group V2 = Cast on any group.
AE PC v2 = Area effect hits players in other groups as well.

Contents [hide]

Spells by Class


Level Spell Name Effects Target Vendors


Category: EverQuest
This page last modified 2017-01-13 01:56:10.