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EQ2 Quest:I Melt With You  

EverQuest II
[Scales] I Melt With You (Solo)
Category: Great Divide
To start:

Speak to Cippie at -1605, -535, -2424 in the Great Divide (Fina's Retreat) to begin this quest.

Cippie, an othmir within Fina's Retreat in the Icy Fingers of the Great Divide, is very concern for one of his kin, Kidder. Kidder should have returned a day ago from an imports run to the Sinking Sands. I've promised Cippie that I will investigate Kidder's absence right away!

  1. Talk to Stissa on the Fina's Retreat dock to be teleported to Sinking Sands
  2. Speak to Kidder in Sinking Sands ( -1444, -225, -425 )
  3. Get 8 pieces of wax from Tuwasp wax works within The Nursery in Greater Faydark (uncommon update, bixies scale to level) ( -112, -50, -610 )
  4. Return to Kidder in the Great Divide
  5. Return to Cippie to complete the quest.


The full dialogues to this quest are available in the lore section below.

Erollisi Day
Quest Series

Erollisi Day occurs annually around Valentine's Day (Feb. 14th).
This article refers to things only available in-game during the event.
(Introduced in 2015)

OOC The title of this quest is a nod to a Modern English song, I Melt With You.


These are the full dialogues of the quest when it was run on the Test server.

(not done yet be patient)

Other Resources: EQ2i Human-Readable Link:

This page last modified 2015-01-23 11:22:31.