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Mercenaries (EQ2)  

Mercenaries are NPCs for hire. Hire a mercenary that takes up a group slot, has a monetary fee and takes a small slice of experience and coin from fighting.

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A mercenary's purchase price varies by level. This is a larger upfront fee the first time you acquire that mercenary. The mercenary will then charge you an upkeep fee every 30 minutes; this amount also is increased as you level up. As of the end of beta a confirmed fee was 25g  upkeep charge per 30 minutes at level 90.

Like any group member, mercenaries take their cut of coin and experience, but they do not take loot items.


Currently there are 10 Mercenaries to chose from: healer, tank, melee dps and caster dps. Healers have a chance of actually rezzing you! No need to guess, their icons show their Archtype, and hailing them will tell you their class. Available types are Tanks, Healers, Melee DPS, Caster DPS, and Support mercenaries.

You can manage your merc's appearance clothing via your persona window. Add any armor you want to your mercenary to display, but remember that they will get no additional benefit from it. It's akin to equipping a mannequin; the armor will remain with you.

The suspend timer is 2 minutes. If you suspend your merc, you'll have to wait 2 minutess to unsuspend/resume them. When a merc dies he becomes suspended. You can resume him from the mercenary window in your persona or you can type /merc resume

If a merc loses too much confidence they will panic and suffer from a stat decrease. Avoid this by keeping aggro.

Mercenary Slash Commands

  • /merc ranged
  • /merc melee
  • /merc resume (unsuspends the merc)
  • /mercname
  • /merc attack
  • /merc backoff


If you see one mercenary hanging around, there's likely more nearby. It is possible to sneak into other cities and hire their mercenaries. The mercenaries from your opposing city will appear in your home city once hired.

Standard Mercenaries

East Freeport:
Seafarer's Roost:


  • Brenin Stoutheart - Militia Soldier Mercenary (Guardian) - ( -220, -55, -3 ) .
  • Stamper Jeralf - Archon Mercenary (Inquisitor) ( -237, -55, 14 ) .
  • Bellut Shortsong - Songspinnar Mercenary (Dirge) ( -252, -55, -13 ) .

On the harbor side of the Seafarer's Roost is a staircase leading down. At the bottom ( -243, -65, -10 ) you can enter a room where many mercenaries hang out.

Qeynos Harbor:
Fish's Alehouse and Inn:

  • Jennis Proudhilt - Antonican Guard Mercenary (Paladin) - ( 816, -23, 67 )
There are mercenaries throughout the Inn, on all three floors.

On the platform near the City Merchant at 2626, 66, 1169 .

In Indigo Hollow, just inside the gate and to the east:

In Jysolin's Pub:

New Halas:
In Coldwind Hall at 92, 153, -174

Ancient Mercenaries

We need Ancient Mercenary Info!

Elite Mercenaries

Elite mercenaries are rare, expensive and more powerful. Note that they despawn for a while from the world when hired so there will be gaps between players being able to find them. These mercenaries are much more expensive then normal mercenaries (reported costs are 30p  to hire and 3p  every 30 minutes for upkeep). The elite mercs are hybrid type classes. [1] These mercenaries are estimated to have a reset timer of 3-4 days once one is hired.

  • Matri Dut - Nayad Brigand/Wizard - found in Stonebrunt Highlands
  • Kenny - Billy Doll Guardian/Mystic - found in Nektulos Forest
  • Perrin Wanderhoof - Corrupted Satyr Fury/Warlock - found in Withered Lands

Lets just say these guys do not spawn the same way everything else does in game. So if they are not up in one place that doesn't really mean if you wait long enough they will show up. Multiple players can have them at the same time one player having one will not stop it from spawning somewhere for others to hire.

When these mercenaries were first added they shared a spawn across zones. Thus you could never really know which zone they were in. This caused some issues if noone was in one of the zones so we pulled it down to them only spawning in one zone. Each of them have well over 20 different spawn points across the entire zones not just two or three as some have reported. There was an issue a week or so back where they were spawning much faster than they were supposed to but this has been fixed and they are back to spawning at the rate we wanted them to.

Tips: You can track these mercenaries (or use the Ranger merc from Kelethin to track) or you could try asking local guards for "elite mercenary" (you may have to use the merc's actual name, such as Matri, Kenny, or Perrin) if guards are available in the zone!

Upkeep Table

These are known upkeep costs for regular mercenaries. Upkeep is charged every 30 minutes that a mercenary is active (not suspended).

Level Range Cost
1-10 1s 
11-20 2s, 50c 
21-30 10s 
31-40 25s 
41-50 50s 
51-60 5g 
61-70 10g 
71-80 20g 
81-92 25g 

Official Behind the Scenes Video

December 6, 2011

  1. ^ Gninja on the official forums, May 22, 1012

This page last modified 2012-05-31 19:04:45.