Revision as of 2011-03-30 20:14:00
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Headshot is a passive AA ability that only Rangers can purchase. It provides a chance that any Archery based attack on a lower-level humanoid mob can hit for extremely high damage, typically a one-shot kill. The damage is treated as physical damage and cannot be mitigated or resisted. It works with both regular Archery and any spells that use an "Archery Skill Attack" (like the "Hail/Arc/Barrage of Arrows" directional AE spell line), as well as thrown weapons. This information is current up to the House of Thule expansion:

RankCost (AAs)Max Mob LvlLvL ReqDamage
120968?? or 88990
1312708395550 or 105094
14097285102??? or 109574
Note: There seems to be variance in the damage done. It is not clear at this time what causes the difference, however Hunter's Fury will affect the damage output positively (damage not listed for Hunter's Fury).

Zones (expansions) and mobs that the Headshot AAs work in include:

  • HS Rank ?? needed - Nurga (Kunark) - goblins
  • HS Rank ?? needed - Old Sebilis (Kunark) - entrance mobs
  • HS Rank ?? needed - Torgiran Mines (Ykesha) - most mobs
  • HS Rank ?? needed - Crypt of Nadox (Ykesha) - entry mobs, trolls
  • HS Rank ?? needed - Droga, upper sections (Kunark)
  • HS Rank ?? needed - Plane of Nightmare (PoP) - non-named hobgoblins, slarghilugs, torment bats (NOTE: Summon, Immune to Root)
  • HS Rank ?? needed - Droga, lower sections (Kunark)
  • HS Rank ?? needed - Blackfeather Roost (TSS) - all harpies on level 2 and all but LB harpy nobles on level 3
  • HS Rank ?? needed - Blackfeather Roost (TSS) - LB harpy nobles on level 3 ??? confirmation needed ???
  • HS Rank ?? needed - Plane of Nightmare (PoP) - Mephits
  • HS Rank ?? needed - Crypt of Decay (PoP) - Puslings and non-named rats
  • HS Rank ?? needed - Plane of Storms (PoP) - Diaku, giants (giants summon), named/mini giants, whirlwinds
  • HS Rank ?? needed - The Barren Coast (TBS) - Blacksail Swabbies, Bloodthirsty Criminals, and Vicious Mutineers
  • HS Rank ?? needed - The Barren Coast (TBS) - Blacksail Prates, Deadly Traitors, Murderous Saboteurs, and Nefarious Deserters
  • HS Rank ?? needed - Halls of Honor (PoP) - most humanoid mobs
  • HS Rank ?? needed - Plane of Valor (PoP) - arachnaes and crawlers (lumbering beasts and razorfiends can no longer be Headshot)
  • HS Rank 12 needed - The Steppes (TSS) - most gnolls
  • HS Rank ?? needed - The Barren Coast (TBS) - Blacksail Swashbucklers and Stormguard Knights
  • HS Rank ?? needed - Calling Emoush (DoN) - all of the goblins
  • HS Rank ?? needed - Stoneroot Falls (DoD) - drachnids and orcs
  • HS Rank ?? needed - Plane of Fire (PoP) - C1 area (lvl 79)
  • HS Rank ?? needed - Plane of Fire (PoP) - C2 area (for most)
  • HS Rank ?? needed - "Freeing an Elder" mission (DoD) - All living mobs except Drachnid Protectors
  • HS Rank ?? needed - "Orb of Subversion" mission (DoD) - All living mobs except named
  • HS Rank ?? needed - "Confronting a Traitor" mission (DoD) - All mobs except named
  • HS Rank ?? needed - "The Lost Notebook" mission (DoD) - ALL mobs
  • HS Rank 13 needed - Dragonscale Hills (SoF) - minotaurs and nymphs (rank 14 recommended)
  • HS Rank ?? needed - "The Lost Gnomes" mission (DoD) - ALL mobs
  • HS Rank ?? needed - Dreadspire Keep (DoD) - orcs and human mobs
  • HS Rank ?? needed - "The Lost Gnomes (Hard)" mission (DoD) - ALL mobs
  • HS Rank ?? needed - Old Blackburrow (SoD) - most gnolls (Reavers summon)
  • HS Rank ?? needed - The Buried Sea (TBS) - Pirates

As of the 1/13/2011 patch, Headshot only affects your current target. As of the 2/8/2011 patch, the levels affected by each rank of Headshot have been modified, 3 additional ranks have been added, and each rank beyond the first adds two levels to the maximum level of the target and additional damage.

Categories: Dictionary (EQ) | EverQuest
This page last modified 2011-03-30 20:14:00.