Revision as of 2010-10-28 00:39:50
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It is now possible to provide mouseovers (tooltips) for items on Allakhazam's sites for:

To do so, simply add the following html to your site:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

Previous instructions said to use akztooltips.js instead of zampower.js. Both filenames will work but zampower.js is the canonical file for this point forward.

The best placement for this is right before the </body> tag. Anywhere inside <body></body> will work, though.

Who would use this?

Guild/Linkshell/Kinship websites and forums as well as other sites who provide news for the games that tooltips support but don't have item data. It isn't limited to that, though. Anyone is welcome to link to our items and have have our tooltips displayed as a mouseover.


By id

Everquest and Lucy

To use the game id/lucy id for a tooltip instead of the allakhazam id simply add source=lucy

These won't work

How it Works

By adding the script tag above, each page with the tag added will check the html in the page it is displaying. When it detects a link to an allakhazam item that we display mouseovers for, your site will automagically display them.

You can still style your links however you wish. All the script cares about is the contents of the href portion of the a tag.

Locale Support

ToolTips also support locales for World of Warcraft. Simply make sure that your locale is in the url.


Feedback and Comments

Please direct any feedback or comments to the thread in our Feedback Forum

Instalation Instructions

''Not all possible ways are documented here but the list will grow over time, if you wish to add installation instructions for a website platform, add the instructions to the Feedback Forum.


Confirmed it can work in Mediawiki 1.15 & 1.16 but you'll need access to the raw files.

  1. Open up the file manager / FTP client you prefer using.
  2. Open the "Skins" folder.
  3. Open in Code Edit/a html editor the file with the name of your skin "Vector.php / Monobook.php e.t.c" thats housed in the "Skins" folder.
  4. Find the line with "</body>" ''Aprox Line 500 - 600 depending on your previous customisations.
  5. Add before this line <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
  6. Save changes onto your website.
  7. You now have ZAM Tooltips enabled.


Coming Soon


Coming Soon

Php BB

Coming Soon

ZAM Network
All Games

This page last modified 2010-10-28 00:39:50.