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Fury (EQ2 Subclass)  

Archetype: Priest
Class: Druid
Fae, Wood Elf, Halfling, Dwarf, Froglok, Ogre, Barbarian, Troll, Sarnak, Human, Kerra, Half Elf, High Elf, Erudite
Alignment: Neutral
Spells Armor Weapons Shields
Epic Weapon Quest Series

From the Everquest 2 player manual: Those who seek to harness the feral and destructive forces of nature will find the Fury to be a suitable profession. Although the Fury conjures his power from nature's ferocity and is a druid of predation and vengeance, he can play a vital support role in the party by providing magical healing and protection. The Fury can enhance his allies physical attributes and abilities in combat, and bring down destructive forces upon his enemies.

Primary Stats

  • Wisdom (primary) - determines your max power, increases your damage (both spell and melee), and improves your resists against spell damage.
  • Intelligence - adds a crit mit bonus.
  • Agility - improves your chance to avoid melee attacks.
  • Strength - determines how much you can carry.

Class Armor

Class Hat

Epic Weapon

Categories: EverQuest II | EQ2 Classes
This page last modified 2010-04-14 07:46:24.