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Faction Champions (WoW)  

The faction champion is the name Blizzard uses for the 3rd encounter in the Trial of the Crusader raid instance.

The Champions will jump down from the walls once the fight starts, and they will stay there until engaged, giving you time to mark them if needed.

You face 7 of them on 10 man, and 10 on 25 man.

Each class is represented. Horde and Alliance version are identical in abilities and power, only the names and skins changes. Mousing over one of the champion will show you what class they are.

Contents [hide]

The Champions

Class Alliance Horde
Death Knight Tyrius Duskblade Gorgrim Shadowcleave
Druid (Caster) Kavina Grovesong Birana Stormhoof
Druid (Healer) Melador Valestrider Erin Misthoof
Hunter Alyssia Moonstalker and her lioness Ruj'kah and her lioness
Mage Noozle Whizzlestick Ginselle Blightslinger
Paladin (Heal) Velanaa Liandra Suncaller
Paladin (Retribution) Baelnor Lightbearer Malithas Brightblade
Priest(Heal) Anthar Forgemender Caiphus the Stern
Priest(Shadow) Brienna Nightfell Vivienne Blackwhisper
Rogue Irieth Shadowstep Maz'dinah
Shaman (Heal) Shaamul Thrakgar
Shaman (Melee) Shaabad Broln Stouthorn
Warlock Serissa Grimdabbler and her felhunter Harkzog and his felhunter Zhaagrym
Warrior Shocuul Narrhok Steelbreaker

The Breakdown

This encounter use rules closer to a pvp encounter than a pve one, Crowd Control works but it last for a much shorter duration than in normal encounter and is subject to diminishing return.

You either need to crowd control the healers or kill them first, which is really up to you. Since Crowd Control isn't that effective, the best way to control a healer is usually to keep a melee class on them that can interrupt and stun them.

You should probably focus the healers first, the shaman if he is present should be the first target. Use heroism early, make sure he has a healing debuff on (Wound Poison, Mortal Strike, etc) and try and control the most aggressive melee fighter (Rogue, Warrior and Death Knight) to diminish their damage. You should probably assign some ranged dps to the pets, since they have low health, they will die fairly easily. As general rule, the melee npcs are much more dangerous than the caster npcs.

Dispels need to be used almost non-stop, the npcs help themselves and will cast many buff and HoTs on each other, you will have to assign several player to dispel duty.

The NPC cannot be tanked, since they drop aggro every second or so. Once you start killing them the fight gets progressively easier.

While it will be nerfed in 3.2.2, at the moment, having Rogues specced into improved Fan of Knight who just spams it non-stop greatly decreases the difficulty of this encounter.

World of Warcraft

This page last modified 2009-08-24 22:03:48.