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FR Quest:Looking for Lavender  

Free Realms
To Start: Speak to Feldman in Sanctuary.
Feldman says,"I want to be a famous journalist, I need a good story... a sensational story!

Rumor has it that the Queen's exiled sister, Lavender, has been spotted back in Sanctuary! Help me with this story, and I'll repay you when I'm famous!

Interview people who claim to have seen her. "

Some folks around Sanctuary claim to have seen Lavender herself! Interview them and return to Feldman to fill him in.
This is an Errand quest.

Coins 36 
Interview Dani, Honey, and Barin Battlerock and then return to Feldman in Sanctuary.
  1. Interview Dani
  2. Interview Honey
  3. Interview barin Battlerock
  4. Return to Feldman
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Unfortunately, none of the three "witnesses" were credible.

This page last modified 2009-05-29 20:22:28.