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FFXI QUEST:The Goblin Tailor  

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First of all, you will talk to Guttrix in Lower Jeuno. At any given time, only people of a certain race and gender can do this quest. When you speak to Guttrix he will tell you the current race/gender, and the area you must go to. For example, he may say that the current week is Male Hume, in Ordelle's Cave. This will change each Vana'diel week (8 real hours.)

FYI - Let's say you are Male Hume and it's your Vana'diel week. You have a key and are searching for a chest, but your time runs out (let's say it switches to Tarutaru Female) before you find one. When you open that chest, you will not get the magical pattern. However, if you open the chest during your race/gender's time and obtain the magical pattern, then you are safe. You can bring this pattern to Guttrix at any time and receive one of the pieces of your RSE.

Now, you need to go to the area and find a chest. There is only one chest at a time, and it will spawn randomly in one of several different spawning points. Once you open it with the proper key, it will respawn within 5 minutes or so at another random spawn point.

That brings us to the real meat of this quest:

    * Finding keys.* Finding the chest.
Note that you do not need this quest active to find a key. However, the keys (like all keys) are Key Items - you can't carry more than one at a time.

Once you open the chest, you will receive a Magical Pattern. Again, this is Key Item - you can only carry one.

FYI - Yes, thieves can pick these chests and they will receive the pattern. Of course, you will still need to run back and forth to Jeuno each time you get one.

Bring this pattern to Guttrix, who will offer you your choice of the 4 RSE pieces. Repeat.


The following information is copied directly from Anonymous's post. It's organized so well already, there was no point in reordering it, so I've dropped the whole thing right here in the hopes that more people will see it. I'm disappointed the poster was anonymous -- if this is you and you would like some credit, please let me know and I'll be happy to put your name up here.

    * Check out Shigun's post, 'Quest Information' for some very essential links. You should absolutely print out the treasure map (more later) for whichever dungeon you plan to visit. The online timer is also very useful in planning your excursion. * The quest is fame based. There are different theories on how Jeuno fame is calculated.. what I can tell you for *certain* is that attaining more fame in any other city will add to your fame in Jeuno in some way. The rough estimate of 40-50 total quests completed seems about right to me. Repeating a quest over and over again *does* count. * The goblin will tell you what magical pattern is available on any given week, and where it is. * The pattern will be in one of three dungeons, and can be found in a treasure chest. You need the maps available thanks to Shigun's post to reliably find the chest. * At any given time, only one chest exists within each dungeon. While its exact location is random, it will always be in one of 15-20 possible spots. See maps for this. * You need a key, unique to each dungeon, to open a chest in that dungeon. The key is a rare drop. You will hear a lot of information regarding which mobs drop the key. The truth is that almost any of the higher level mobs in each dungeon can drop the key. Some appear much more likely to drop than others.. but I have gotten keys off of mobs that "do not drop the key".. It REALLY pays to have a theif with you to help with key drops. * Unlike some keys.. this one must be traded with the Chest to open it. Once you open the chest, the key is gone, and you will need to find another one. Keys are you can only have one at any given time. * Once the chest has been opened, it will disappear. If it was opened by someone undergoing this quest, it will respawn in another location *immediately*.. there is little to no delay. However, if some unkind soul opens the chest purely for looting purposes, and is not there for Racial Gear.. it can take up to 30 minutes to respawn. So please be nice and do not open the chest unless it is your turn for Racial Gear. * If you are in the wrong place at the wrong time, or do not have the quest active, and attempt to open the chest, you will not receive the magic pattern. * The magical pattern needed to get a piece of racial gear is a Key Item. This means, once you have gotten the pattern, you need to return to the goblin in Jeuno before you can get another. He will let you choose which of the four pieces you want. * At any given time, only one Race & Gender is elligible to receive Racial Gear. For instance, he may tell you Elvaan Male armor can be found at Ordelle's Caves. This means.. no one except for an Elvaan Male can receive the magical pattern. In other words.. there is NO FARMING. You can't get anybody else's armor. And you can only get each piece once. Once you have received all four pieces, the quest will end, and cannot be repeated. * This period of elligibility will last for one *game* week, or approximately 8 real hours. Unless you are experienced and very well prepared, you will have trouble getting four pieces in this amount of time. Once the week is up, you need to wait 7 game weeks before you can try again (generally about 2-3 real days). The quest will cycle through each race/gender in sequence. It helps to know the sequence, as well as the sequence of the eight days in a vandiel week. See the online clock in Shigun's post. * The three dungeons are *not* of comparable difficulty. One is significantly harder, and one is significantly easier. I do not want to completely spoil the quest for ppl who have done their homework.. but suffice it to say that some scouting/exploration/key hunting *before* your racial gear is available is highly recommended. * The time restriction of one game week applies only to finding a magical pattern. Once you have the pattern, however, it can be turned in at any time for a piece of armor. So, if you are pattern-hunting in a dungeon, keep trying until the very last minute. * American players tend to get very competitive, and maybe even a little rude ( /em recalls players refusing to give him a Raise) during this quest. This really isn't necessary guys! Everyone can get a piece of armor much faster if you play cooperatively. Just remember, as soon as one player opens a chest, a new chest will appear immediately, and that play will not be able to get another piece until they run back to Jeuno. So, be nice please! * A note on Racial Gear: generally speaking it will not have the best DEF of the armors available to you. It will have a lot of boosts to your stats. Whether these boosts help you are not depend on what you do for a living. The armor is designed to account for the weakness of each race. So, Tarutaru get huge boosts to HP, for instance, while Galka get huge boosts to MP, among other things. If you are playing a somewhat unorthodox character, or have a casting class as your subjob and need more MP, this armor can be very useful. If you are a tank, or pursuing a job your race is naturally well-suited for.. it may not be for you. * As for appearance.. it looks *exactly* like the starting, newbie armor you had when you first created your character, except that the colors will be all new. The ones I have seen all look nice to me, but what do I know?


This page last modified 2008-09-08 00:22:22.