Category:Zones (Aion)  

The world of Aion is a world split in two, or three to be more accurate. In-game, Zones are frequently referred to as "Regions". The two terms are interchangeable.

The World of Atreia
SpheresZonesTypeLevel RangeQuest SeriesCategories

IshalgenPublic Outdoor1-9AsmodianMobsPlacesObjects
AltgardPublic Outdoor10-20AsmodianMobsPlacesObjects
MorheimPublic Outdoor20-45AsmodianMobsPlacesObjects
BrusthoninPublic Outdoor20+AsmodianMobsPlacesObjects
BeluslanPublic Outdoor30-48AsmodianMobsPlacesObjects
AbyssReshantaPublic Outdoor25+Elyos / AsmodianMobsPlacesObjects
CorePublic Outdoor50+
TopPublic Outdoor50+

PoetaPublic Outdoor1-9ElyosMobsPlacesObjects
VerteronPublic Outdoor10-20ElyosMobsPlacesObjects
EltnenPublic Outdoor20-45ElyosMobsPlacesObjects
TheobomosPublic Outdoor20+ElyosMobsPlacesObjects
HeironPublic Outdoor30-48ElyosMobsPlacesObjects

Wikihelp For those that are curious, the text for the Places that have been added to the zone maps were edited using Gimp 2.4.6. The font is Calibri Bold (16pt). The text color is #d9d048 and the shadow is #392800, and was airbrushed on a separate layer between the map and the text. I am maintaining a native .xcf copy of each map so additional information can be added, later.

Categories: Aion Wikihelp Notes | Aion
This page last modified 2009-09-18 09:02:45.

Articles in category "Zones (Aion)"

There are 64 articles in this category.


Printable Version
Abyssal Splinter (Aion Zone) Abyss - Lower (Aion Zone) Adma Stronghold (Aion Zone)
Aetherogenetics Lab (Aion Zone) Alquimia Research Center (Aion Zone) Altgard (Aion Zone)
Ancient City Roah (Aion Zone) Arena of Chaos (Aion Zone) Arena of Discipline (Aion Zone)
Azoturan Fortress (Aion Zone) Beluslan (Aion Zone) Beshmundir Temple (Aion Zone)
Brusthonin (Aion Zone) Chaos Training Grounds(Aion Zone) Core (Aion Zone)
Crucible Challenge (Aion Zone) Dark Poeta (Aion Zone) Discipline Training Grounds (Aion Zone)
Draupnir Cave (Aion Zone) Dredgion (Aion Zone) Eltnen (Aion Zone)
Empyrean Crucible (Aion Zone) Fire Temple (Aion Zone) Gelkmaros (Aion Zone)
Grand Abyss (Aion Zone) Haramel (Aion Zone) Heiron (Aion Zone)
Indratu Fortress (Aion Zone) Inggison (Aion Zone) Ishalgen (Aion Zone)
Karamatis (Aion Zone) Kromede's Trial (Aion Zone) Left Wing Chamber (Aion Zone)
Lower Udas Temple (Aion Zone) Morheim (Aion Zone) Nochsana Training Camp (Aion Zone)
Oriel (Aion Zone) Padmarashka's Cave (Aion Zone) Pandaemonium (Aion Zone)
Pernon (Aion Zone) Poeta (Aion Zone) Reshanta (Aion Zone)
Right Wing Chamber (Aion Zone) Sanctum (Aion Zone) Sarpan (Aion Zone)
Silentera Canyon (Aion Zone) Space of Destiny (Aion Zone) Steel Rake (Aion Zone)
Steel Rake Cabin (Aion Zone) Sulfur Tree Nest (Aion Zone) Taloc's Hollow (Aion Zone)
Theobomos (Aion Zone) Theobomos Lepharist Research Center (Aion Zone) Tiamaranta (Aion Zone)
Top (Aion Zone) Udas Temple (Aion Zone) Vanpern Obelisk (Aion Zone)
Verteron (Aion Zone)