Category:Bundle Material Item (Aion Item Type)  

Item Types
Icons for Bundle Material Item, by Quality

With patch 1.9 all upper grades of Material Items can be broken down into three of the lower grade, so one Pure can be broken into three Greaters, and one Greater can be broken into three regular items.

Categories: Aion | Item Types (Aion)
This page last modified 2010-06-16 12:52:01.

Articles in category "Bundle Material Item (Aion Item Type)"

There are 12 articles in this category.


Printable Version
Aether (Aion Item) Big Elatrite Ore (Aion Item) Brilliant Orichalcum Ore (Aion Item)
Dazzling Elatrite Ore (Aion Item) Elatrite Ore (Aion Item) Greater Aether Piece (Aion Item)
Greater Gold Ore (Aion Item) Greater Orichalcum Ore (Aion Item) Greater Platinum Ore (Aion Item)
Greater Titanium Ore (Aion Item) Pure Aether Piece (Aion Item) Pure Orichalcum Ore (Aion Item)