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Posts: 3
Stryyker is a High Elven Paladin of the 54th season now. He was born in Felwithe from a dishonourable family, his mother a prostitute, and his father working with the Dark Elven empire behind the High Elven counsels back. When he became of the 7th season a Half Elven Paladin of the 60th season, named Valin Drakonis found him on the side of a riverbank fishing. He offered to teach him all he knew in exchange for him keeping Valins two children safe, Valoss and Valice. So Stryyker learned all he could from the mighty Paladin and was the best at his swordsmanship witch earned him the surname of Stormblade. When Valin left, Stryyker Stormblade took his new knowledge and sought out Valoss and Valice. When he found Valoss he instructed him, just as Valin instructed him. Valoss eventually went off on his own, Stryyker gave up looking for Valice, for he was nowhere to be found. He eventually faded into the shadows of time and was not highly known of the rest of his lifetime...