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Posts: 8
Life story....So Far Born a little Elvaan boy, bless my fathers side I have good looks and I'am very strong. My eye sight is one of a kind , being that we elvaan are very good marksmen and exordanarily good with a blade! I grew up in the Kingdom of San'doria! home of the great T.K. Army. Long did I wait to become a Knight like my father! As time progressed I kindled to myself to be an adventurer instead, cause I want to see the world of Vana'diel and not just walls of a Kingdom forever. So forth I went and started my adventure. Ive done many quests for random people and missions for my Nation all just to become a great sorceror I long studied on magic to become a great Red Mage. With the powers of healing as my 2nd study. I also became half White Mage. What my life has to come I will never know with friends by my side like Gav the infamous Ranger, and Astyanax the stealth Samurai. My life may be full of surprises!! ...above is real characters on Quetzacoalt.............