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Posts: 7
RP: Kioshi grew up on the streets of windurst, homeless, after making his way from the canyons with no recollection as to why he was out there nor why he has a scar like mark on his left cheek. One day, a moogle was reporting to Heaven's Tower, to let them know his master had passed away. On the way there he took notice of Kio and decided to take him in, after some paper work at heaven's tower, kio had a new home. As the years went on, Kioshi praticed crafting and selling his items at the bazaar, or simply eating what he had created. Eventually he decided he wanted to join Windurst's armies, and after a few months within the armies, he found himself a member of the Chocobo Knights. Taking on missions and quests, he hopes on the side to find the answers he had left alone for many years.