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Posts: 9
Talonbow Greystone is the younger cousin of the famed Druid Mordeous Greystone (known throughout Velious as the 'Wolf Walker'). Being of a more martial bent than his cousin, Talonbow was faithful to the blessing bestowed upon him at birth by Tunare of being a gifted Woodsman. He trained for many years under the guidance of Maesyn Trueshot and Dill Fireshine, but has finally moved out on his own. After earning his Trueshot Bow and slaying more Orcs than he can remember, Talon joined up with the Crusaders of the Blade. He currently quests throughout Luclin, exploring and discovering in the name of the Blades with his good friends Shathis Maglore and Stathem Strongblade. His cousin, Mordeous, makes infrequent stops to check on his little cousin, and offer assistance and guidance when necessary. Mordeous, a member of the elusive Soul Sanctuary order, is rumored to be grooming the young Talonbow for future membership in this most secret order...