__DEL__1592245540340's Avatar


Posts: 4
I am the daughter of Stirran and Gilana Mahnte', of the city of Felwithe. My father was quite the politician in his day, but my mother felt her blood run hot in her veins, and chose instead the way of the warrior. When I became of age, Tunare called me to her service. In my travels, I have gone many wonderful places, enjoyed wondrous splendors, and seen horrible acts. I have met people too numerous to list, save a few. I share a kinship of sorts with a wood-elf by the name of Keana Silverwolf, of Kelethin. It is rumored we are sisters, tho' neither of our parents will own up to the deed. I share my life with my husband, met upon my travels. Xerian Spiritblade, of Felwithe, shares that which few can know: truth, love, happiness. I am a master smith, master baker, and am working on my seamstress skills.