__DEL__1591888133357's Avatar


Posts: 69
Oh, and the #1 reason to roll a troll? I kill two dwarves in the morning, I kill two dwarves at night, I kill two dwarves in the afternoon, it makes me feel alright. I kill two dwarves in times of peace and two in times of war, I kill two dwarves before I kill two dwarves, and then I kill two more. Opposing faction do not understand custom emotes. They just see you making strange gestures. The most effective way to communicate with the Alliance is with a /spit. Alternately, you can use a /point followed by a /rofl and then followed up with a stealth, cheapshot, and backstab. My first reaction would be to blame gnomes ... little bastards .... sitting there with those creepy little grins on their faces ... you just know they were tinkering with something ... Laggitude, the third coordinate plane of suck... If you care about using "skill" to press "spell check", you need to press the "knife" button against your "wrist" function and "end process". And GTFO out of my pancake batter before Aunt Jemima casts Scorch on you and makes Cannibalism taste oh-so-good.