EQ Class |
RE: complete heal rotation |
Sep 16 2002 12:46pm |
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Sorry to show my ignorance 9i don't have complete heal...yet! Bout to ding 38).
What is a "complete heal rotation?"
Thanks ... |
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Hi...I'm 37 (soon 38) on Erollisi.
I recently inherited (until he gets back) some gear from a high level friend and have approx 1000plat in bank.
I ... |
EQ Class |
RE: troll, shaman, and regen... |
Aug 30 2002 9:27am |
Decent |
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so to clarify, at high levels, stacking of troll regen with that of items is not as big a deal as the ogre's high base stamina?
If so, when startin ... |