__DEL__1591780718166's Avatar


Posts: 4
I was born the bastard son of an Elven cleric of Marr. Left at the edge of the Nektulos forest, Innoruuk offered me unto those of the Spurned who retrieved me to the heart of Neriak. My home lies deep underground in the hills of the Nektulos, I grew here and learned the Dark art of Enchanting. At the age of 10 I returned to the East Commons to try to find my Mother, realising the weakness of all Lightwalkers, I pitied her and prayed to Innoruuk that her soul was taken. At 16, while spreading the hate of Innoruuk in the Oasis, I was approached by a wolf. This wolf was strange and offered me membership to a guild, The Unbroken Legacy, I accepted as this was Innoruuks' will.On my first raid with my newfound family we laid siege to the Dark Witch Najena's lair. I was reeducated in the power that exists in our world, pray that you do not behold The WidowMistress alone ! Only with Innoruuk's aid was I able to concentrate hard enough to survive. For half of my life now, I have been with this guild and they have been as much a guiding force as Innoruuk himself. I will never leave them.