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Posts: 4
No one knows where and when the druid Bern was born. He is a mystery. Longer than even most elves lived he was there... that one fateful night when the orcs attacked Kelethin, supplied with weapons from the dark elves. When the attack started an old druid ported all the little ones away from the battle and to Surefall Glade. Amongst one of the little ones was Bern. This is the earliest recording of him. There the little wood elf was raised because the old one had found that the battle was lost. One day when Bern was older, he walked into a meeting of the old ones talking about what had happened the night long ago. Bern then found out what had happened, he ran. HE ran until he could no more. There he trained in Qyenos Hills until the land was to weak for him. He then traveled to Faydwer. No one ever heard of him again, though one day a troop of Dwarves were passing through Greater Faydark and noticed that Kelethin was empty. There were no living orcs on the platforms but many dead lieing everywere. Joy was spread to the land as the wood elves got their home back. No one knows where Bern Pallaran got to. No one knows why the orcs fled. Some say Bern is living up to his name, Empty-handed Wanderer, maybe searching for more orcs or something we do not know. Others say he is long dead. For me? I do believe is is somewhere out there. As the old story teller got up and started off one of the little ones saw a glint off of a clear battlescarred scimitar just like the one Bern used....