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Posts: 10
Ah yes, Serrat, Human Monk of the 22nd season. A respectible individual, as no secret is safe from her. She is proficient in nearly all of Norrath's languages. She tends to be more of a 'get to know you' person than a 'kill, kill, kill.' type. Not brutish, but well-mannered and polite, she was born in the fair city of Freeport, City of Trade. At the age of eight her father was captured by an unknown force from the lands beyond. Her father being her only living only relative, her mother dying in childbirth. She was taken in by the Order of the Ashen Hand, taught to seek peace through Quellios and end all conflict. Although she is usually peaceful, making her mad will get you the short end of the stick. Every so often she snaps and goes uncontrollably wild, in a fit of rage for the loss of her father. She has learned this multitude of languages to try to find some scrap of evidence in where her father has been taken.