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Posts: 7
Lilianya is the product of Druid and Warrior love. Well, Druid love anyway. Her mother charmed her father, then ran off after the deed was done. Shortly thereafter, Lilianya was born. While studying with her druid friends in the forest, they noticed she was far too strong and quick to ever be a true druid, and too wise and weak to be a true warrior. So they sent her off to become a ranger. That is, after they taught her how to use magic to track nearby friends and enemies. Now she's grown, and is looking for more to kill. Lilianya looks over the blood and gore from her past fight, gracefully stepping over the discarded corpses as she loots here and there while wiping the gore off her swords. "Too bad," she says to herself, "they were kinda cute." Suddenly, a great crashing can be heard coming towards her through the woods. She unsheaths her now-gleaming swords to face the oncoming foe. She braces herself for the worst when, suddenly, a young kodiak steps into the opening. Laughing