Links from Sanya

An oops, an addition, and FYI: OOPS: The OfCamelot forums are back up and running, but the URL I provided on Friday was incorrect. Try instead, that should take you back to your old home on the net. ADDITION: I made reference to a new website devoted to Mordred in the grab bag, but no link. Here's the link for you - It's a little sparse right now, what with us being in beta and all, but we expect great things from these guys. FYI: The new and if I may say so greatly improved Prima strategy guide is for sale in our Mythic Store. In a few days, we'll be adding black baseball caps with the Mythic knot embroidered on them to the catalog. Ask your favorite fansite reporter what he or she thought of the hats - they're really NICE hats.


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