Exploring Middle-earth: Glan Vraig

The web team for the Lord of the Rings Online has published another article in its Exploring Middle-earth series. Today's settlement is Glan Vraig; one of the many bases of the free peoples in the Ettenmoors. A snippet is below:

When whispers of a Shadow spreading out of Angmar arose, an Elf named Lainedhel left the refuge of Imladris, also known as Rivendell, and marched into the Ettenmoors with all who would follow him. He sent out a call to the dwarves of Othrikar, the Rangers, and the Eglain, a tribe of Men who dwell in the wastes of the Lone-lands. As the Free Peoples of Eriador gathered beneath the banner of the Elves, they built the first of their fortresses: Glân Vraig.

Click here for the entire article.


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