New Guide

We have another advanced guide up, this time detailing the intricate secret arts of tracking down miscreants in a star system via the Scanning/Probe system. It assumes some knowledge in the usage of the directional scanner, but it should regardless be useful to anyone wishing to learn about probe use. Excerpt:
The ship of choice for probing is the Covert Ops frigates. There are 2 reasons for this, one is the built in bonus of 10% reduction to scan time per level (level 5 cuts the scan time in half) and the other is the ability to warp cloaked. If you can’t get a 0 m accuracy result you will need to warp in cloaked and approach manually.

Other ships that are useful for probing is the cloaking force recon ships for the warp cloaked ability and possibly the t1 astrometrics frigate as they have a 5% reduction to scan time per level. But in worst case any ship can be used.

Thanks to Hoshi for letting us use the guide.


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