Death Penalties to Begin at Level 6

As seen on EQLive: =============================================== To help smooth the transition to incurring death penalties for new players (losing experience and leaving a corpse), the level when you start to incur death penalties has been lowered from level 11 to level 6 and the amount of experience you lose when you die now starts at a very small amount at level 6 and slowly ramps up from there. These changes will be going to the test and progression servers later today. Rashere


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corpses all over the tutorial
# Jun 16 2006 at 12:04 PM Rating: Decent
was running my new toon thru the paces in the Tutorial and low and behold thousands of lie the lag was so bad i left the area...some one needs to teach them to loot thar corpses sheesh :(
maybee have a NPC in thair to instruct them on the fine points of looting on the fly, or a cleric there to rez so you walk us and /say rez my corpse. lol
good stuff finally
# Jun 06 2006 at 2:41 AM Rating: Decent
yeesh..i'd gladly sign up for any EQ changes to back in "old school" '99...

I miss those days learning the classes and hearing the constant train yells as people banded together to ward off the "attacks" on the gfay lifts or the Halas camp outside the city zone. :)

and my very first character.. Ruolyen Moonsaber, half elf ranger. good times. and my most loved, Gukagim Celestialsabre, Human Paladin.
RE: good stuff finally
# Jun 07 2006 at 7:49 AM Rating: Default
Now that you mention it, one of my favorite memories is derailing trains in Crushbone. I used to run from them then I derailed them. Some more memories include a ranger and a druid helping me find and get to my corpse (I didn't have invisibility yet and even when I did become of level to use it, I didn't know it was a spell I had available to me). Ah, for the innocence of newbiness.

Death/Experience Penalty
# Jun 05 2006 at 1:54 PM Rating: Decent
99 posts
You know, since this is supposed to be an old school server, the experience penalty should start at level 1 like it did in the beginning.

That's the way most of us learned with and that's the way it should be if this is truly going to be an old school progressive server.
Mistress Eilonwy Fensalir
Grand Summoner of the 86th Circle

"Stupidity isn't punishable by death. If it was, there would be a hell of a population drop."
-Laurell K. Hamilton
death penalty not a worry, prog. svr launch is
# Jun 04 2006 at 6:13 AM Rating: Decent
Being someone who is anxietly awaiting the opening of the progression servers and who has played EQ since march of 99. The whole thing about this death penalty doesnt concern me. However, the thought of what im guessing is going to be around 2000 ppl trying to level in the tutorial does. when a new server opened up in EQ back in 99 there was a huge explosion of ppl from other servers pouring in to restart their toons. if you experienced this then you know what im talking about. 100 ppl in west freeport hunting snakes, bats, etc is really fun and exciting sure.. but really exaporating when your a melee and you got blasters nuking from afar. basically it was a race to see who could do 51% damage. (melees usually lost) but since reading the posts and anticipating what seems to me to be a huge following, 2000 ppl in the mines is going to be just plain obsurd. remember when the bazaar would get 750ppl and then have to be brought down for a reboot. i just hope that sony is anticipating this and has geared up. i dont think the mines have experienced the kind of torture they are going to be put through in a few weeks. its been well documented that the mines are the best launch for gaining exp to level 6. so im just assuming that this is where a good deal of ppl will start out. im just wondering however if avoiding the mines all together would in the long run benefit those of us would want a more tranquil start without all the /ooc soandso "stop KS'ing me.. that was my rat",

you know its going to happen. theres always going to be a noob out there.
RE: death penalty not a worry, prog. svr launch is
# Jun 04 2006 at 11:39 PM Rating: Decent
The tutorial zone won't be a problem - since they are dumping you into the racial starting city you chose at character creation. No tutorial zone. No nice charm item. Here's your starting weapon, 2 backpacks (one on you, one in your bank), a golden token (sell for a little over 1gp value), some starter food any your starter weapon. Go kill things - have fun. The starting toons will be spread over 8 or 9 zones.
A totally new game
# Jun 03 2006 at 10:38 PM Rating: Decent
It ain't classic, and it ain't the current game. This progression server is going to be a twist on who knows what. As things are developing they are becoming less interesting, not more. Who knows what it will be at launch. I can only guess that SOE got scared by the fact a number (large number actually) of guilds want to race to content unlock, and instead of letting that happen under the current rules it will happen under a new set. Tweaking the economy (yes, they have changed vendor sell rates) and altering the death penalty points won't make a damn bit of difference to that race. If they want to slow down the rate at which content is unlocked, they can do that by policy instead of these minor changes.
progressive server
# Jun 03 2006 at 3:39 PM Rating: Default
Well SOE got many, many veteran players to dust off their old EQ CDs, reinstall, then restart their accounts with the announcement of the new progressive servers.
Needless to say, SOE screwed us all again. How can they expect us to wait and wait for the new servers to come online at $14.95 a month. Sure they opened the servers on May 31st, but you can't play til June 28th, and that's IF they open on time. So, i'm out $30 on the deal, now multiply that by how many thousand other suckers, and SOE wins again. Glad i haven't closed my WOW account yet. Poor content, cheesy graphics, lousy tradeskills, and servers backed up and over populated is still better than what SOE is giving us for our money, which is absolutely nothing.
My advice to SOE is open the servers before we get totally fed up and just plain quit EQ.
newbie gates
# Jun 02 2006 at 4:28 PM Rating: Decent
I must have missed that they are leaving corpses at level 6 as well. I didn't see them leaving corpses any earlier than they already do in this change.

So what the hell are you ppl talking about newbie corpses? Do you know what you are talking about?

Back when I started at the end of 2000, I can't tell you how many times I hunted down my body because I ran 100 miles deep into Greater Fay and got slaughtered by that relentless orc centurion chasing me away from orc hill or the entrance of crushbone.

One poster here had the same feeling I did tho.

WHY are you spending development and testing $$$ on **** like this when there is a TON of actual game design issues that sorely need that $$$ moreso.

Honestly, this forces me to think that since the veteran players generally pay the cheaper rate (yearly or more subscriptions) then the newbies that pay the higher month-by-month rate must get priority.

Basically saying yeah you're money is cool, but it would be cooler if you gave us more of it like these toolbox newbies.

Yeah right. $145 x 2 is enough!
Does it make a difference
# Jun 02 2006 at 1:28 PM Rating: Decent
Why would this make any difference? It gives the cleric more time to increase their rez skills. Also, the players would learn to sneak around eniemies and stay out of trouble on a corpse run. I think this is a great idea. It gives people time to learn more skills.
uuhhh why?
# Jun 02 2006 at 1:17 PM Rating: Decent
Ooookkkkk and this will accomplish what? Ive been playing for a long long time and let me tell you, when your new to the game and you die at low level and lose your corpse you have no idea how to get it. I remember on my first toon (a lvl 2 wizzy) i died somewhere in Gfay and i had no f****in idea where anything was. SO i couldnt find my corpse anywhere. I ended up not being able to find my corpse deleted him and made a new toon. But it really sucks to find a corpse when you have never played before...

Edited, Fri Jun 2 13:09:05 2006
RE: uuhhh why?
# Jun 06 2006 at 7:24 PM Rating: Decent
29 posts
Krouk said:
SO i couldnt find my corpse anywhere. I ended up not being able to find my corpse deleted him and made a new toon.

So did this teach you to do a /loc, STOP running and die were you are when you know your going to get killed, that way you'll be able to find your corpse?
Or to pay more attention to landmarks and your surrounding and/or keep an eye on your compass heading as you run (ie. pick a direction and run ONLY in that direction from where you were camping until you hit a zone wall and then follow that, hopefully to a zone line). And yes, back in the day you actually had to "skill-up" your Sense Heading to get your compass to work, but boy was it worth it.

Really its all a simple learning experience, I've lost my corpse at a low lvl and had to start over, ONCE.
Thats all it took for me to learn and figure out ways to make sure it didnt happen again. I lost corpses a number of times since then, but I was always able to locate it again eventually.

BTW, back then there was no Shadowrest or Guild Lobby to summon to. You had a limited amount of time to find your corpse before it ROTTED and you lost everything on it. I think it was a day at low lvl, under lvl 10, and at higher levels it was only a week.
RE: uuhhh why?
# Jun 05 2006 at 7:35 AM Rating: Decent
33 posts
If i remember right back in the early days when one lost a corse you quickly ran to the nearest merchant and bought this stick that had two charges of locate corpse on it, can't remember its name anymore but i still see on the merchants when i think of it hehe. Always kept an extra in the bank for emergencies cause only certain merchants sold it.
RE: uuhhh why?
# Jun 05 2006 at 2:01 PM Rating: Decent
99 posts
I remember that item. Believe it's called a Chipped Bone Rod and had 3 charges of locate corpse on it.
Mistress Eilonwy Fensalir
Grand Summoner of the 86th Circle

"Stupidity isn't punishable by death. If it was, there would be a hell of a population drop."
-Laurell K. Hamilton
RE: uuhhh why?
# Jun 02 2006 at 4:41 PM Rating: Excellent
I had a lvl 5 or 6 ranger back in Dec 99 that fell down the tree in Blackborrow when I was fighting a gnoll pup, got chased around in a panic and I was totally lost when I died. By that time I had scraped together a few coins and had bought some cloth armors and food and a fine steel wpn and was almost devastated.
Being without a guild at the time and no one to mentor me, I just shouted in the zone if someone could help me and a couple ppl I didnt know came to the rescue and helped me out. It was those days that ppl had to depend on others more and friendships were formed at low levels.
I rarely had a rez when I died at that level and it took forever it seemed, to get as far as I did.

My point is that lowering the exp penalty on death to a small amount and graduating it seems very resonable and makes sense also. Having an exp loss on death is not one of the worst things in this game. It helps to make better players and builds better groups of ppl who are more careful and can use some strategy instead of beserking everything. It also helps groups earn steady exp because they dont always have to sit around waiting for ppl to come back from deaths.
RE: uuhhh why?
# Jun 04 2006 at 1:58 AM Rating: Decent
I have to agree. I remember clustering around the ramps in Greater Faydark, grouping with other newbies in order to survive. It really built a sense of community with those starting in your hometown. Now we start in the mines with a safe run to level 10, are dumped in PoK and sent to do the Castlen armor quests. Makes is much more of a solo game.
RE: uuhhh why?
# Jun 02 2006 at 4:23 PM Rating: Default
No it dosnt suck... it Forces you to learn the zones.

also apperently you have not played that long, because at one time it was level 1 you had to go on corpse runs... level 6 is nice...
back in the day
# Jun 02 2006 at 12:27 PM Rating: Decent
You new people have had ti too wasy for too bleedin long. Back when I started playing the /consent command gave the person permission to loot your corpse instead of drag it, you lost xp starting at 5 and had to get your corpse starting at 4. There were no noob armor quests, banded armor went for 1pp per AC and +hp gear was reserved for people who went to fear, hate and sky (it's sky, I don't care what the bloody zone name is on a /who.)
Reality Check?
# Jun 02 2006 at 12:14 PM Rating: Default
Does anyone at SOE even play EQ anymore or are you all totally absorbed in "the big picture" and gazing at yourself in mirrors. Please do not try some lame excuse about ramping up death xp when it is now and always has been one of your worst game features. I truly think that with your loss of GM's and guides you have lost your finger on the pulse of the game. Instead of messing with non issue items like this should be asking yourself why did the GM's and guides leave. The Darwin awards need a new category for corporate myoptics

P.S I applaud your joint venture with Sigil..because following the release of VSoH it will be your only real presence in the MMORPG game.
old school
# Jun 02 2006 at 9:33 AM Rating: Decent
14 posts
if they ever got close to making it as screwed up as it used to be id beat feet outta here. i cannot concieve of how anyone would think that pok stones or guild halls are a bad thing. to each his own i guess
what newb bodies?
# Jun 02 2006 at 8:14 AM Rating: Decent
As I was reading all the post and complaints by so called veterans about newbie bodies all over the place I was wonder were these bodies were. Glooming deep mines? If so how can vets even get there? This is a totally bunk argument. I for on was grateful for the no xp penalty in the Glooming deep mines as a newb. In fact there is not reason to even leave the mines until you hit lvl 11. Its the fastest xp around. Since I am somewhat experienced this will not hamper my ability to still create new toons in Glooming deep mines, but people new to EQ really could use the extra help. I think atleast not imposing the xp penalty in Gloomingdeep would go a long way to attracting more people to EQ.
RE: what newb bodies?
# Jun 02 2006 at 9:36 AM Rating: Decent
If you are new to the game or new to a server with no money and no friends there are many reasons for leaving the mines before 11. Farming Goblins in Butcherblock and newbie armor quests are much easier to stomach when you’re gaining experience. A Fine Cut, Diamond Inlaid Mask is also a great item you can acquire if you aren’t facing an experience penalty or corpse run.
RE: what newb bodies?
# Jun 02 2006 at 2:34 PM Rating: Decent
I say if your new to the Game please stay in Glooming as long as you can and learn as much as you can then venture out...but insted of putting you in pok thay need to put you in your home city. it bothers me to hear "does any one know what my home city is??" Not becoulse i dis like new players but i welcome them, i just think that one needs to know his/her home city better than PoK it puts them at a great Disavantage when they need to deliver the "Note" to the Guild Master.
well i put in my 2 copper..Good Hunting
RE: what newb bodies?
# Jun 02 2006 at 4:54 PM Rating: Good
I agree with you on the PoK after tutorial issue. They really should send you off to your home city.

Everyone should stay down there until 11, then venture out. Even if doing newbie armor questing, if you are going to loose xp, staying down there and rarely dieing while learning solo and group skills and tactics is much better than trying to run back to some "camp" three zones over to start the battle again. By the time you do leave the tutorial you are high enough that killing some of the newbie armor quests (not pok's) are less risky at that level, even solo-able.

I'm not much for grouping these days. If I want to group I will do a MM or LDoN, where it is forced. Otherwise I prefer to challenge myself and try something solo.

Since SOE can't come up with better and more challenging solo quests, but are flooding all of Norath with Group quests and zones.

RE: what newb bodies?
# Jun 05 2006 at 7:02 AM Rating: Decent
A person will be spending more time in POK than in home town, so when arriving in POK I would recommend walking around the city, to get and understanding of where merchants, stones, etc. are...then when you log on the following day, you have the option to log to your home so, then take another walk to get familiar with your new home. (just a thought)
# Jun 02 2006 at 5:54 AM Rating: Decent
That is crazy, love the new content, love anguish and DP but sheesh, quit f'ng with the basics and fix the other bugs! I'm retarded, nevermind, i drink too much, /cheers

Edited, Fri Jun 2 05:50:59 2006
RE: That
# Jun 02 2006 at 5:58 AM Rating: Decent
90 posts
heh sorry. not even. old school EQ was leaving a corpse at level 1, and getting XP loss at level 5 :p
# Jun 02 2006 at 5:48 AM Rating: Decent
well even losing XP chances of a rez on test or combine at lower levels is low. all they are doing now is taking the 30min rot timer it was on empty/newbie corpses and making them stay in world really lagging atuff
level 6 death and dismemberment
# Jun 02 2006 at 5:20 AM Rating: Good
Newbie corpses littering up what zone? As if you even hunt in newbie zones to begin with. PoK? Those corpses are "Sacrificed". Can't tell you how many times I've seen that happen at the MB.

Lowering it back down a return to old school and you are gonna sign back up?

You have no idea what Old School was, do us a favor, forget about it continue on with your WoW gaming.

Far fewer trains, rude players, KS'ing going on now than in the "Olden" days.

The tutorial was a great addition, as a learning tool to master some of the basics. But now that it is forced on you with every new toon it has become a nuisance.

Still, it's a nice and easy way to get a free and good stat charm that more than likely will last well into your 40's or 50's. Reducing the death/XP loss down to 6 really doesn't make much of a difference to veteran players.

Of course all the Vets get the 100% self rez as well, so whooopie to reducing it down to 6.

As if this would make the game any better or worse.

RE: level 6 death and dismemberment
# Jun 02 2006 at 7:31 AM Rating: Decent
I agree with you on nearly all points but would like to point out that you are NOT forced to take ANY toon through the tutorial....You can click it off during character creation.
RE: level 6 death and dismemberment
# Jun 05 2006 at 8:36 PM Rating: Decent
84 posts
You could, but at level one where would you go? Too low to solo much, and everyone else is in the tutioral. The tutorial gives you some decent starting weapons and armor, good xp, and almost always a group. I love the Tutorial, in fact I wish I could take my 51 rogue back there and teach Ruga a lesson...But now some of my old favorite zones (Crushbone, Blackburrow) are empty! I went to Blackburrow on my rogue cause I was bored while LFG and I wanted better Qeynos faction. It was empty! Every thing was spawned (including Lord E, didn't see the curiour though (Remember? That gnoll that was always red, but didn't argo you unless you attacked him? Remember camping under the bridge and seeing him run by?))! Our time is fading, and there isn't much we can do.
# Jun 02 2006 at 2:11 AM Rating: Default
A step in the right direction. I wish they'd just start making ingame polls so they could see what we all really want instead of them telling us what we want.
Is it True
# Jun 02 2006 at 1:27 AM Rating: Decent
If its its true eq is going back to the way it use to be im signing back up tomorrow
RE: Is it True
# Jun 08 2006 at 12:19 PM Rating: Default
It's not true unless you play on the progression server, otherwise its the SoS. And even that probably wont last any longer then the imposed time limits.
Death Penalties to Begin at Level 6
# Jun 01 2006 at 11:00 PM Rating: Decent
Yea thats what it sounds like old school eq again. Just wait till its 1st lvl
# Jun 01 2006 at 9:25 PM Rating: Decent
so what they are saying is they are slowly going back to the way it used to be???
# Jun 01 2006 at 8:26 PM Rating: Decent
4,445 posts
Guess no more newbie gates between 6 and 10 huh?
RE: heh
# Jun 02 2006 at 4:02 AM Rating: Decent
Here Here, no more newbie corpses littering the zones because they can't be bothered to run.

It took all the excitement out of levelling when they introduced the pre-level 11 saftey factor.

What with the new Combine server & this we are finally getting back to the real EQ.
RE: heh
# Jun 06 2006 at 12:16 PM Rating: Decent
You are all missing the point. This exp loss feature is being instituted on the progression server...You losers that are afraid to step out of the tutorial and experience the game will still be welcome to play in the carebear zone on whatever regular server you choose. I for one will be starting new characters on the progression server. I yearn for the challenging game play of the original game. I cant tell you how thrilled I will be to have my low level buffs and heals mean something more casting a heal on a wounded lowbie, only to find they have a temp and a bazillion hp. Back in '99 you made dozens of friends by merely saving them from a death or buffing them up without demanding donations...these days you are basically a non-entity til you attain the levels where "uber" buffs are available. I can't wait to play!
RE: heh
# Jun 08 2006 at 2:53 PM Rating: Decent
I totally agree with Stoobie. Those were the days... Back when a 10 point heal made someones day, and made you some new friends. When someone giving you your first bow that they looted off a gnoll in blackburrow put a smile on your face, and when a gift of a bronze weapon meant something. People really helped eachother, and were a closer community, which is more fun that being alone for an hour or two after you log on, looking for a group in PoK where 35% of the server population happens to be sitting around selling buffs to eachother.

As much as we all whined about losing exp, and having to find corpses, and people training us (and I admit, I complained just as much as every one else), those were the things that really made the game interesting, fun and most of all, memorable.
RE: heh
# Jun 09 2006 at 8:22 PM Rating: Decent
Hear hear! But I must say that the over-abundance of uber-toons is mostly Sony's fault. I watched in semi-disgust as people rocketed to 65-70 ranges when the monster missions came into play. It was ridiculous! Plus, the bazaar was a good idea, but once the eBay plat phenomenom started, it became a joke. I've seen newbies in the Mines with full sets of armor and gear that my hand-levelled main can't even DREAM about yet.
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