Patch Notes for January 18, 2006

Here is the patch message for today, as well as the follow-up message regarding some tradeskill vendors which should not have made it live. ============================================== January 18th, 2006 _____________________ *** Highlights *** - M.C. Tinkerton bids all in the Plane of Knowledge farewell as he packs up his Clockwork Party Machine and heads for home. - The issue where player pets were attacking other players when hit by an AE spell has been fixed. Thanks to all those that helped provide information about this issue. *** EQPlayers *** - The leaderboards now exclude tribute, guild tribute, food and drink bonus, and leadership abilities. - /paperdoll will now auto-update your current character's profile with a real-time screen shot of your character. - Guild rosters will update more frequently and remain in sync with the game more reliably. - There are a couple new menu items under the character menu. One will perform a full update of your character much like the slash command does and the other will open a web browser to your current character's profile. - There is a new option in the option window to disable the auto-update feature to the EQPlayers site. - Characters will stay up-to-date better. *** Misc *** - The issue that some people experienced with being able to cause other people to sit when they sit has been fixed. ============================================== Follow-Up to the Tradeskill Vendor Error: ============================================== This morning we had an error with the update that resulted in merchants, and subsequent items, in the Plane of Knowledge that should not have been appearing in the world. In order to address this we will be performing selective and aggressive rollbacks of certain characters throughout the day. There will be multiple phases and some characters may be subject to multiple adjustments. If you believe that you have been involved in any way (even indirectly) then please consider holding off your playtime until tomorrow. We apologize for the inconvenience and we are resolving this in the most complete way possible while minimizing the impact on the majority of the customers.


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Missed the excitement
# Jan 24 2006 at 6:37 PM Rating: Decent
But all the double xp today was awesome! Just wish I knew about it sooner.
so long
# Jan 23 2006 at 7:09 PM Rating: Decent
i am thinking of leaving eq, and i have been playing for 6.7 years. i don t care ( my words are more rude, but the filter doesn t allow me to type them ) about a week end double exp, the exp is too easy with all the new Monster Missions ANYWAY.
You say you went through all the logs to check for items that were bought, but did you check the rest of the logs? no because if you did, you would have rolled back and then refixed the things that were not linked to the transaction.
BUT you are lazzy. you do half the work. we pay you for that and you don't do it, and expect us to stay and say ok mess up with us like that and we will still say we are happy?
a double week end exp is not enought for what i lost in that roll back. i give you my time AND my money to give me good time, but you mess ( again my word is rude ) up with me like that and expect me to keep paying you.
i guess you though the 1% people that were goin to get rolled back were not important enought to be at least warned or contacted by a gm. u just ran a freakin script looking for strings and tada roll back.
its so lame.
6 years i have been playing and i am quittin for that little error you did.
but i m not worried, u still have 99.999999% of your customers, right? well keep up this politic of 1% each time u mess ( and again ) up, and you will see them all leave for other mmorpgs.

warrior 70 on bertox.

Edited, Mon Jan 23 18:11:09 2006
# Jan 20 2006 at 5:42 PM Rating: Decent
Surely there was a way to solve the problem without upsetting so many people. Rolling back the whole server would have been the fairest not popular way to do it.

The ecomomy on my server has been messed way before the server merges. Maybe they should have rewarded everyone that did not mess with the "mistake" merchants that was logged in for the duration of them being up. Sure you would have a lot of happy baz mules with some insane notrade item... but then how many could complain? Call it a GM event (smirks).

If I put somenthing live onto a server I was not supposed to I would say sorry and fix it. I would not punish people who interacted fairly with the content I provided. If the merchants greet you with "Don't buy from me unless you are in Beta" then that is different.

Sounds like I picked a good time to take a week off EQ (missed all this fuss).
Rollback screwed
# Jan 20 2006 at 4:21 PM Rating: Default
Well, I have been screwed with the rollback too...just like so many other people. I have been playing for over 4 years now. If they don't fix this situation SOON, giving back items, xp, and pp taken from those not involved with the incident I will quit the game. No big loss to sony, I'm sure, but it will be the last straw.

I hope they fix the problem so we can all continue to enjoy the game. If they don't fix it I hope all the players unjustly victimized will quit as I will. There are other games out in development that looks very promising is Vanguard--saga of heroes.

/em croses fingers and hope Sony fixes this for the better and quickly.
# Jan 20 2006 at 4:07 PM Rating: Default
*to the post above* Im with you.

Edited, Thu Jan 26 13:24:53 2006
# Jan 20 2006 at 11:31 AM Rating: Default
5 posts
I was finally told to leave the GMs alone they won't return #$^#^$
If I wanted anything done, send a snail mail letter to

Sony Online Entertainment, Inc.
8928 Terman Court
San Diego, CA 92121
(858) 577-3100
(For business related calls, only.)

Attn: John Smedley - President
It aint fair
# Jan 20 2006 at 11:23 AM Rating: Decent
387 posts
At this rate, they might as well rollback everybody. I know people that weren't on during that day at all, but they got rolled back and lost everything for the next day. SOE needs to get everything working again because their losing their already small fan base. SOE is just lucky Everquest is such and addictive game.
Roll Back
# Jan 20 2006 at 5:57 AM Rating: Decent
Not only lost all the xp, ebon crystals, augments that I had purchased in the bazaar and in Lavastorm, but lost 432,640 of plat from my bank, a 22k earring, a 732k sword, my Warrior's Blade of the Eclipse, and a Orcish Bone Axe that he bought from a merchant in Lavastorm.

How come I lost all of this was not anything that someone was selling illegally? I'm just asking EQ to return my weapons they took. I worked too hard to get all of that gear.
Throwing the Baby out with the Bath Water
# Jan 20 2006 at 3:37 AM Rating: Default
This is the stupidest "fix" I ever heard of. It does nothing to resolve the matter in any equitable way. Removing levels, pp, and experience is punishment for doing something that THEY enabled. The only way to do this right was to shut down the server immediately and to take thoughtful and reasonable action to restore all players to their original condition. This is just punishing people unreasonably and unfairly for something they didn't do. There is no rule in the game that says you shouldn't trade with a vendor for any reason. Making up the rules as you go along will not be viewed as a fair fix by any person of average intelligence.

AND, by the way... I was in a spell mission with someone who got rolled back in the middle of the mission. They got pulled out and rebooted and rolled back with no warning, leaving the group without a puller just as we were getting ready to pull the final boss mob. If it had happened after or during the pull, we probably would have wiped. Why punish five people who had absolutely no interaction with the vendors in question just because one supposedly had?

Sony must be run by complete idiots.
This sucks
# Jan 20 2006 at 2:18 AM Rating: Default
I'm sorry but I bought nothing from some beta vendor that Sony screwed up. I bought some handmade backpack tokens and 2 steins off of some traders in the bazaar and I get rolled back?? I wouldn't have cared if they'd done it right after, but I had spent 8 hours of my time learning 12 languages to 100 per and I spent 2 hours getting my alcohol tolerance to 124. Now I have nothing. Sony can go ***** themselves. THey should have taken the time and effort to find out WHO bought the stuff and just rolled THEM back. Not us innocent players who went to buy an item and suffered for it.
# Jan 20 2006 at 1:13 AM Rating: Decent
5 posts
The problem is two fold, yes sony is making players suffer for their mistakes. I have been rolled back 3 times. The first time took care of all the skill ups (20) I got from the vendors. Then I lost 3 levels, plat, etc to pay for it. They need better due process. And as of yet, I know some players that got rolled back but not the guild bank. And some that were just on, not even on POK at all/bought anything that also got rolled back. So where is the fairness.
Temp vendors
# Jan 19 2006 at 7:59 PM Rating: Decent
The vendors said temp on them. I thought they were something Sony was doing nice for something to come with the next expansion. I had no way of knowing it was a mistake till after it happen. So I did buy stuff from them and used it, but they were there like 10 min and I got a few items thinking I had more time to figure out what I needed. So I do not think characters should pay for Sony's mistake. Unless you knew it was a mistake and loaded up on stuff I doubt anyone got to many skill ups on things.

rollback = dupping items
# Jan 19 2006 at 7:54 PM Rating: Good
Um, announcing a rollback on a per character level was a baaaad idea. if you did the naughty thing and bought stacks of stuff, then all you need to do know is just quickly give every plat and tradeable item you own to a trusted guild friend (who wont be rolled back) and then when sony rolls you back to your original situation, you now own double of everything. Talk about a blatant method of dupping items!
Someone who wanted to take advantage of a mistake now gets to MAJORLY take advangage.

Edited, Thu Jan 19 18:56:22 2006
RE: rollback = dupping items
# Jan 20 2006 at 12:11 AM Rating: Good
SOE can track that easyly. Your Trusted friend will be rolled back as well
Char deletion
# Jan 19 2006 at 6:54 PM Rating: Decent
No this roll back wasnt minor, I had only just got a lvl 54 mage with decent gear transfered onto Antonius Bayle , logged her in once to check all was well and today she has gone completely from both my new and old server.. question now is, will i get her back after petitioning??
# Jan 19 2006 at 4:20 AM Rating: Decent
the said merchants, are the ones usually up in beta's so that people can test out the new combines make sure there aren't any bugs or many can not combines.
# Jan 19 2006 at 1:00 AM Rating: Default
if these vendors looked like floating eyes, they came from the beta server
# Jan 19 2006 at 12:50 AM Rating: Default
So, once again SOE screws up royally, and the player base pays the price in lost experience, loot, AAs, etc.

Why do we continue to give these people our money, I sometimes wonder?
RE: Typical
# Jan 19 2006 at 11:34 AM Rating: Decent
285 posts
Actually, the *****-up was relatively minor (ok, if it had gone unfixed it would have been huge) and the fix was swift and fair.

If you look at other games on the market such as WoW, game-breaking bugs go unchecked for days until they finally get fixed and the economy is destroyed.
RE: Typical
# Jan 25 2006 at 6:25 AM Rating: Default
308 posts
I play WoW, and to date (I have a 55 Hunter) I have not found one game-breaking bug. I am an EQ veteran (since kunark) and I can tell you the number of bugs WoW has had since launch as compared to some other MMOs is negligable. The economy in WoW is strong and largely fair since most items that players actually want are Bind on Pickup, unlike EverQuest where a manastone (supposedly one of the oldest and rarest items in the game) can be purchased for something like 700k, and Zliandicar's Heart can be weilded by a 30 something necro (I know, I did it >.< ).

You have obviously never played WOW and just picked it at random because it is simply trampling EQ in terms of numbers and player interest. Blizzard, unlike Sony, cares about it's players and the world that they play in, as this world existed long before Norrath. When I play WOW I don't feel like I'm playing a game designed by aloof sadists who could care less about my enjoyment as long as I'm paying to play and playing as long as possible.
RE: Typical
# Apr 17 2006 at 4:32 PM Rating: Decent
285 posts
Yes, I played WoW and still do from time to time.

Apparently you missed the item/gold dupe bug that was well known for over a week before it was even patched. And then what did they do to fix the economy that had spiralled out of control? Absolutely nothing. Even simply tracing duped gold and deleting it (which wouldn't have been THAT difficult) wasn't even considered.

I guess you forgot how raids worked for the first six or so months the game was out? Raids getting split randomly between instances and, of course, getting locked in so the raid was undoable. I know, EQ raids were far from perfect in the early days too, but that doesn't excuse WoW.

I never claimed EQ didn't have bugs... even big ones that lasted for a long time, but for the most part those are far in the past. Minor bugs persist, sure. But fixing a game-breaking bug seems like priority these days in EQ, while WoW is a slave to the patch schedule.

Yes, it sucks that people got rolled back a day or two, and shutting down the servers the instant they discovered it would have been my call for how to fix it, but this was much better than letting the problem propogate for a week and allowing the people who exploited it to keep their rewards.

RE: Typical
# Jan 20 2006 at 1:59 AM Rating: Default
Swift and Fair? Dinging level 70 only to have it stripped away tweleve hours later because I sold potions to people who have taken advantage of an exploit?? How is that fair?

First thing that should have happened when SoE noticed a problem is instead of despawning the NPC's and doing "selective" rollback, they should have shut down the servers immediately and set them back 10, 20, 60 mins, however long they had been up for since the begining of the patch. That would have been swift and fair.
RE: Typical
# Jan 19 2006 at 3:47 AM Rating: Decent
Because you're an addict.
RE: Typical
# Jan 19 2006 at 1:27 AM Rating: Decent
Yes SOE screwed up. They are however doing the best fix possible short of a complete rollback to ensure the economy is not written off. If I were a GM tradeskiller and found out some punk had taken advantage of the situation to make millions selling these items or capping tradeskills for zero effort I'd be majorly unhappy.
RE: Typical
# Jan 19 2006 at 1:33 PM Rating: Default
I can relate Grelon. I mean, if I had spent a lot of time building my character up to lvl 70, and then a new expansion was released that allowed people to get to lvl 70 in a matter of days with no risk along the way, I'd be majorly unhappy too. Oh wait, that did happen . . .
RE: Typical
# Jan 19 2006 at 3:21 AM Rating: Good
Oh, boo hoo. So some people are going to get rolled back. They can't honestly have thought that the vendors were supposed to be there. Some might get rolled back because they bought items from people that got them from these vendors. Ok. Fair comment. But what's the alternative? Just leave it be? And incidentally, nobody is forcing you to give these people your money.
RE: Typical
# Jan 20 2006 at 4:22 PM Rating: Default
no offesne but uhm... ure being idiots all of u who wrote under this post. I lost 70k.. that is the most i have ever had. You want to know why? Because apparently i bought something from somone who bought soemthing from an NPC that SoE spawned.

Ya know what else? If there was somone who was wokin on tradeskills that day and just happened to buy soemthing from somone who went to the Merchant that SoE spawned. Lets say that that person got their skill up in the 200's that day because they had been working on it endlessly. Well they would have lost all of their skill. Just because SoE screwed up.

Now You tell me how that is fair. How was this swift and fair for SoE to pretty much destroy peoples characters because they might have bought something or sold soemthing to somone who bought soemthing from the merchants that SoE Spawned.

Seriously you tell me i would love to hear how you explain that. What you said above is BS. people deserve to lose hundreds of thousands of plat and hundreds of skill ups just because they unsuspectingly bought soemthing from somone who bought soemthing FROM A MERCHANT THAT SOE SPAWNED!

Im waiting...

My Apologies, not to all the posts above, just the ones saying that this was sooooo fair.

Edited, Fri Jan 20 15:27:44 2006
# Jan 19 2006 at 12:00 AM Rating: Decent
Yes they were, there was about 20 of them behind the main bank, selling anything you can imagine for tradeskills.Smudged runic parchments by the stack for 37pp each etc.

what vendors
# Jan 18 2006 at 11:50 PM Rating: Decent
What were these vendors? were they vendors from the test server or what?
RE: what vendors
# Jan 19 2006 at 3:13 PM Rating: Decent
43 posts
Read the first post
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