Ship Customization in JTL

RThornton has released infor pertaining to customization of ships in JTL. Definately a good read.
    "Advancing in the ranks in JTL will likely be more based on opening more options on what gear you wish to use, and how you can customize your ship. Avenger, Advanced, Interceptor, X-wing, Heavy Hut... Its all about giving you the choice of what you want in your ship so that it best fits your play style. You will see some people still using the TIE, with suped up engines, lasers, and shields. You will also see people in the Avenger, with engines that put everything else to shame, but with the same shields they were given when they started. Then, you will see people with "super-tricked out" Z-95s, but you will probably also see an A-wing with the best shields an A-wing can equip, lasers that shread through everything, and engines that turn that A-wing into the slowest A-wing ever flown." Obviously, everything is a matter of degrees and the art of fine-tuning balance is turning knobs up and down, but we've got a fairly good idea of what the general historic power differentials on these ships are, and we let people customize from that starting point. For an example of what I mean about general power differentials, I think most of us could agree that if we were to witness a fictional head-to-head dog-fight/slugging contest between a T-16 Skyhopper and a TIE Interceptor without taking into account any special pilot abilities or a complex maze of terrain to hide in or any other external circumstances, the TIE Interceptor probably ought to win. If some people disagree with that assumed outcome, what if I were to stack the deck in the TIE Interceptor's favor, and say that the T-16 we were imagining it fighting was old, rusted, broken down, just about out of fuel, and was missing a wing? Anyhow, the degree to which you can change the performance of a ship will probably be viewed as being different by different people, but it's fairly major in my personal opinion. Still, a faster than normal A-wing will almost certainly always be faster than a faster than normal Y-wing. Perhaps when JTL is released, we can meet up with custom ships and drag-race somewhere to prove the point. I will freely admit that the Z-95 I mentioned in the example where I was taking on all comers was probably a bit beyond our normal allowances as it was pretty early on in the development cycle. However, it did demonstrate the idea that the ship type and chassis is the starting point, and the components and their individual capabilities take it the rest of the way. Testing will help us fine tune the percentages to which this is so. ~Reece "RThornton" Thornton SWG Game Designer
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I hope you take out the jedi Revamp first before JTL
# Aug 10 2004 at 12:07 PM Rating: Decent
I am really upset BH is screwed uop TKA is screwed up Plz fix first teh old game and then publish JTL.
it seems that the whole game is based on Jedi and nothing else ( I am wrong)
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