August 06, 2004
Updated Quests: Mark of Altruism (Hermit No. 2) ; Good Jedi Needs Aid (Drakka No. 1) ; Imperial Hero ; Rebel Assassin Mission
New and Updated Abilities: Gape ; Give/Kiss Hand ; Fool! ; Power Coupling ; Fidget ; Fume ; Growl ; Half-Nelson ; Head Bang ; Hack ; Full Stomach ; Hold On ; Flail ; Going to Charge ; Loyalist Badge ; Flutter ; Fiddle ; Flip ; Gulp ; Flex ; Blacksun Razor Knuckler ; Fuzzy ; Gawk ; Force Crystal ; Hiss ; Flame ; Help Me! ; Hiccup ; Hail ; Giggle ; Give Rose ; Grovel ; Groan ; Headlock ; Hear No Evil ; Fingernails ; Flirt ; Grin ; Frown ; Glare ; Hop ; Grumble ; DXR-6b Disruptor Rifle ; Gloat ; Gaze ; Grunt ; Halo ; Flee ; Gasp ; Hero! ; Exhausted ; Greet ; Flower ; Hobble ; Feh! ; Give Up ; High Five ; Gag ; Headache
New and Updated Locations: RRaMM's House
New and Updated Mobs: Moisture Farmer ; Rifleman Trainer ; Tusken Raider
Tags: News, StarWarsGalaxies