Correction on Last Week's FF

In last week's Friday Feature SOE had originally stated that Image Designers had to set your Stats for you (which is completely wrong) implied that most Image Designers will accept tips for a Migration, not a set cost. Since then SOE has fixed their little mishap but they did so in a very secretive and sly manner. To help prevent the Image Designer community from being overrun with incorrect demands from customers the rectified version is posted below for all to read.
    "Once you are with an Image Designer you must group with them and the process takes at least 10 minutes. First you will negotiate with the Image Designer over the cost. Once you have agreed on the cost using the ID service window, you should open up your character sheet window (Ctrl-C) and click on the "Stat Migration Button". The stat migration window will open up and you will see all of your stats and they will have corresponding sliders. Move the slider back and forth to adjust your stats. The numbers will rise and fall based on the position of the slider. At the end of 10 minutes, the session will end and your stats will be adjusted to the levels you set them at. Be careful not to accidentally close the window. If you do, the Image Designer will have to start the session over from the beginning and it will require a full 10 minute session."


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