Slash Commands

Ever wonder what the slash commands are? There are some in the DAoC manual and some in the strategy book, but here, Sanya from the Camelot Herald makes a list for you, and email her if you know of a new one. Many people have asked me for a more comprehensive list of the /commands available in the game. FYI, other commands do exist, but may not be documented or fully implemented. If you know of a slash commands that I've accidentally left off this list, please feel free to let me know! I'll be editing this list as I receive your feedback, so refresh early, refresh often. To make a macro, type the following without the brackets: /macro [title] [command/text] So to make a "follow" macro: /macro Follow /follow and a hotkey will appear with FOL on it. Emotes: "beckon" "blush" "bow" "cheer" "clap" "cry" "curtsey" "flex" "kiss" "dance" "laugh" "point" "salute" "bang" "victory" "wave" Chatting: "say" (/s) "send" (can also use /tell) "broadcast" (/br) "emote" (/em, or /e) "yell" (/y) "group" (/g) "whisper" "chat" (/c) "guild" (/gu) "reply" (r - no slash, just hit r and then type to answer the last send you received) "asend" (/as - talk on the alliance channel) "osend" (/o - talk on the guild officer channel) "ignore" Grouping: "disband" "join" "invite" Getting Help: "appeal" (be sure to choose the proper category from the pop up menu) "help" "advisor" (makes you available to answer player questions) "advice" More Information: "time" "played" "quest" "task" "direction" (/dir) "where [name]" (locates NPCs, not players, and only with a guard/sentinel type targeted) "realm" "friends" (lists your friends who are online) "who" (can be modified with [name], [class], [#] level, [location], [##] [##] level range) "loc" Actions: "stuck" (logs you out, hops you over a step, logs you back in) "bind" "sit" (/rest works as well) "stand" "quit" "pray" "anonymous" (/anon) "afk" "repair" (must have the required crafter skill to have this work) "salvage" (another crafter command) "release" "upgrade" (another crafter command) "make" (another crafter command) "filter" (the "cuss filter" command) "friend [name] add" (add someone to your friends list) "follow" (assuming you are traveling at the same speed as the person you are following) "autosplit" (toggles the autosplit on or off - if you are the group leader and type this, on or off will affect the whole group. If you are a group member, your choice will only affect you.) "autosplit loot" (only the group leader can type this and toggle loot on or off - if off, the loot will go into the inventory of the person who picks it up. Coins will still be divided evenly regardless of who picks up the bag.) "autosplit coins" (same as the above, except with loot and coins reversed.) Fighting/Defensive Actions: "assist" "face" "protect" "guard" "stick" (same as follow, but you remain much closer, and the range at which you get "too far away" and break loose is smaller) Guild Commands (some commands can only be performed by the leader and those designated by the leader): "guildcommand" (/gc - this without a modifier will dump out a list of all guild commands) "gc info" "gc emblem" "gc form" "gc invite [name]" "gc accept" "gc decline" "gc remove" "gc edit" (see the manual that came with the game for more guild leader commands) "gc cancel" "gc quit" "gc motd [text]" "gc motd" (to reread the Message of the Day) "gc promote [#]" "gc demote [#]" "gc who" Chat Groups: "cg help" (displays all commands) "cg invite [name]" "cg who" "cg remove [name]" "cg disband" (if you are the chat group leader) "cg leave" (to remove yourself) Alliances (guild master only commands): "gc aaccept" "gc ainvite" "gc adecline" "gc acancel" "gc aremove [#]" (each guild in the alliance you lead has a number) "gc aremove leader" (removing your guild from an alliance)


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