League of Legends: LCS Report

Match commentary and interviews from the floor courtesy of RheingoldRiver


After a very one-sided match and a very close match, the third set was between Team Summon and Fidelis.  The first game saw a kill and tower advantage for Team Summon but a dragon advantage for Fidelis, and through the 20-minute mark the game was fairly even with only one major fight in midlane.  However, everything exploded when the third dragon spawned, and Captain Korea secured a quadrakill in the ace for Team Summon, the blue team immediately going straight to Baron after the fight.  With Baron, they were able to decisively win a 4v5 fight in midlane after Nautilus got caught, and after that it was just a matter of closing out the game, which they did at 35 minutes after winning two more fights.

Again, Team Summon looked strong against Fidelis in game 2.  Early pressure from otter and L0cust onto Tsunamiee's blue buff forced him to use smite early, and Sickoscott exerted massive jungle control on his Volibear, taking Fidelis's jungle more than his own and ganking lanes over and over.  His ganks led to a convincing gold lead and a 6 kill advantage for Team Summon.  Though Fidelis seemed to turn the tide slightly with a few favorable fights, the pressure from Team Summon was too much, and the red team pushed methodically through Fidelis's tower and base and 2-0'd the series.

After the 2-0 victory by Team Summon, I spoke with L0cust, its support player and former member of Team Dignitas.


Rhein:  Congratulations on your win; it was two pretty convincing games in a row.  Was that the result you were expecting to have happen?

L0cust:  It was the result I was hoping for.  I was expecting closer games, but I was expecting 2-0.

Why did you think it was gonna be a 2-0?  Was it your picks?

We got picks that we wanted, so we were pretty happy with our picks.

You said that you thought that the games would be closer.  Did you just outperform yourselves?

Yeah, and I think we got a little lucky on getting kills early.  We don't typically get kills as early as we did, so we were able to snowball that.

You thought you would be playing with Slackoh, but then he didn't meet the age requirement, so you started playing with otter instead.  How long have you been playing with otter, and what was it like to switch to a new AD Carry?

We knew a little over a month ago.  We knew that we had to switch more than that, but we were still playing with Slackoh for other events, and then we started playing with otter a little more than a month ago.  I've played with a bunch of AD carries, so it really wasn't too much of a switch for me, you just sort of after a few games get a feel for how different players play.  It was more of getting otter up to speed with how I like to play and how the team likes to play.

So you make him mold to you?

Typically, I'd say more than I mold to him.  I like to play more aggressive, and I'm pretty sure if I didn't push and play aggressive, he would just focus on farming.

Do you ever try to just mold yourself to your AD carry?

Never, really.  I think after like a week, you get a feel for how you play with each other, and then you can start making adjustments, but I don't think you ever want to just mold straight to them, you want to find a middle ground.

Have you been playing with otter for long enough where he makes any play calls in lane?

I make most of them, but if he sees an opportunity, he takes it for sure now.  And he knows that I'll back him up, so we've been getting progressively better.  It's a little bit harder to do because everyone plays 2v1 lanes now, and even in scrims it's pretty rare to get a 2v2 lane where going aggressive really shines, where you really have to be good at it or you'll die.

If you are able to beat Dignitas tomorrow and make it to the LCS, are otter and Grim Samurai your final picks for your team?

Yeah, I think so.  I don't really see a reason why we would switch.  They've both been getting a lot better pretty quickly.


You mentioned that you've played with a lot of AD carries.  Who's your favorite AD carry that you've ever played with, and why?

Recently, Slackoh was pretty fun to play with.  He plays a really good Caitlyn, and that makes my job really easy, so that's fun.  Another one, Virus, the AD Carry I played against today, when I played with him for a couple months, his Draven was one of the most fun champions to play with.

If you had left Draven open, do you think you would have won the set?

It would have been a lot harder.  His Draven is quite scary.  I've played with him too much to know, he's very good at catching axes and killing people.  I'm pretty sure we even told him before the game, don't even bother practicing it, we're not giving you it.

How much does it help you, and your team in turn, that you've had so much competitive experience?

It helps.  I don't think it helps as much as it sounds.  I get to tell them sort of how to end games and how to build comps, which gets you so far, but then you actually have to play those comps, and you have to get to the end of the game, so it helps but it's a lot better to have just skilled players than having someone tell you what to do.  Especially because I can't make all the calls, there's a lot going on midgame, so I can't micromanage people.

Who is the primary shot caller?

It's me and Grim, sometimes Scott.  We sort of let anyone. Anyone who's in a position to make a call can make it.  For the macro calls, for moving people around the map, it's usually me.

And in teamfights, you just all shout at each other?

Yeah.  I like doing that for teamfights.  Just yell what you're doing or yell who you're going on, and everyone hears and goes for the target.

On Sunday, what is going to be the outcome?

Hopefully, 3-0.  That would be nice.  I'd imagine it would go to five games, if we win.  I would love to beat Dignitas, but we have our work cut out.  It’s probably the best team in the tournament, so it's gonna be tough.

Any final shoutouts?

To Protatomonster and Team Summon.  It's the new website they're building, and they're our one sponsor at the moment.  And to Slackoh and Flaresz, our two former players.


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