GDC Polls Devs To Determine State of the Industry

Interesting results!

Game Developer's Conference (2012 is pictured above) has had extensive polling of developers, over 2,500 from North American developers who plan to attend this year. The results are somewhat telling of the industry, or at least of those who wish to attend GDC 2013.

Most noteworthy is a finding that independant game developers are on the rise like never before. 53% of the polled identified as indie, and 51% had been so for less than two years. 46% work within companies of ten people or less. only 24% work with a publisher, and 20% have publishers for their current project. Additionally, 38% released their last game for smartphones/tablets, but 55% are making their current game on it. 58% plan on releasing their next game on those platforms, compared to PC and Mac (34%).

13.2% of the developers are working on Xbox 360 projects and 14% are planning new projects for the console. And for the PS3 and WiiU, the percentages are 13% and 12.4% for PS3, and 4.6% and 6.4% for WiiU (same question). Finally, 11% are working on upcoming platforms from Sony and Microsoft. 

Julian "Mirai" Williams

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