Gas Powered Games Acquired By Wargaming.Net

A great resolution to a troubled company.

Gas Powered Games, company created by Total Annihilation developer Chris Taylor and creators of Supreme Commander, Demigod, Dungeon Seige, and more, were in somewhat of a pickle last week. They had laid off over forty employees as response to troubled financial issues, and basically put all of their figurative eggs in a Kickstarter-shaped basket for their next project, Wildman. The Kickstarter failed. The company was likely going under.

But!, creators of World of Tanks/Warplanes/Warships, has finalized and agreed to acquire the deveoper for itself. Both Chris Taylor and Viktor Kislyi, CEO of Wargaming, were very enthusiastic for their futures after the agreement, and I'm very glad that the guy who made Total Annihilation still has a future in his company. 

Julian "Mirai" Williams

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