Bohemia Interactive Employees Freed by Greece

A relieving story.

A relief to hear - the Bohemia Interactive employees Martin Pezlar and Ivan Buchta, jailed on espionage charges in Greece (photographs of military bases are illegal due to the country's political situation with Turkey), have been sent home at last, thanks to Eurogamer's reporting. They were released from incarceration earlier, but were welcomed to their home in the Czech Republic yesterday. 

"Now I finally believe we are free," Pezlar said. "When we were still in Greece, anything could happen." Later, he joked, "If I ever take some pictures on vacation, for sure it's not going to be in Greece." They thanked the online support they had recieved, such as the postcards sent that kept their spirits up.

However, though they are freed, they still have to return for future court proceedings in Greece. Neither they nor their lawyer had anything to say on the case itself.

Julian "Mirai" Williams

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