Blizzard Files Complaint Over

Disputes over domains

Yet more domain disputes breaking out over Blizzard's IP - the RTS/MMO giant has filed a complaint about the website with the National Arbitration Forum. To prove their right to own it, Blizzard would have to prove that it's identical or confusingly similar to their trademark, that they have no right or interest in respect of the domain, and that the domain's ownership is being done in bad faith. Given that Heroes of Warcraft was the early name for Warcraft III, and the domain is still unused, it's likely Blizzard will win.

Domain squatters are common, especially with video game websites. Riot Games recently won a dispute over the url, just as an example. Does this mean Heroes of Warcraft could be the next game? Possibly, but this could easily just be Blizzard cleaning house. Only time will tell.

Julian "Mirai" Williams

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