Call of Mass Effect: Black Garrus II

Terrible photoshop is just one service I offer.

Eager PC purchasers of the newest entry to the Call of Duty franchise, Black Ops IIwere somewhat...confused mid-install, as the game's second disc was instead for Mass Effect 2. This is confusing enough, but it's even moreso if you think about it - Call of Duty is an Activision franchise, and Mass Effect belongs to EA Games. They're direct competitors. How does this even happen? My best guess is some confusion or a wrong file at wherever the game was printed at, but either way this is both funny and surprising.

While Activision is playing it very straight faced - with only a single tweet from Treyarch, stating "If you have any issues of any kind with your disc of Black Ops II, please let Activision customer service know right away." - BioWare has thought the entire thing is hilarious. They have said they are "Answering the Call," and promised free copies of the Mass Effect Trilogy to fifty lucky people who take photos of themselves with their second CoD:BLOPS II disc and send them to

"If the universe thinks that you should be playing Mass Effect right now, who are we to argue? In fact, we want to help!"

Julian "Mirai" Williams

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