Game Journalist Matt Hughes Passes Away

Games industry shocked by sudden loss of respected journalist

In unexpected and tragic news, Matt Hughes, a noted video game writer who has appeared on numerous sites, including Joystiq and GamesRadar, has passed away, having apparently commited suicide.

It is reported by numerous sites that he emailed many editors he had worked with, announcing that he would be dead and therefore unable to fulfil his obligations. Sophia Tong at GamesRadar contacted the police, but he was already gone. The above image is from his Twitter profile, which has since gone dark. 

I urge anyone - no matter what industry they are in, be it games journalism, comics, or regular retail work - to seek help with chronic depression and suicidal thoughts. There are numerous websites and hotlines available, such as Suicide Prevention on their website or their phone service, 1-800-273-TALK, to help you.

Julian "Mirai" Williams

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